SAME PERSON (Chapter 16)

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Jungwon suddenly woke up, when he smell something in the kitchen. It's already 6:30 a.m and they need to go school at exactly 8:00 a.m. So he got out from his bed and go directly to the kitchen. He saw Jay was cooking already some egg and pancakes while smiling so he asked Jay.

" Hyung, it's to early and your normal routine when you gonna cook is 7:00 a.m. And can I asked something hyung, I just noticed that you always smile like someone that is in love." Jungwon said in suspicious tone..Jay answered," Oh, come on Wonnie, I just do it as the same way. And I also want to add some pancake and egg cause I will give it to someone." Jay said in joyful tone.
When suddenly Niki got out from his room and speaks," Give it to who, Hyung?"  Jay answered," You will find out later but before that... Do you want coffee?" The two people that being asked just nod and go directly to the living room.

The other three just woke up and request some coffee too, from Jay. They heard the conversation between Niki and Jungwon and asked what are they talking about. Jungwon said," Jay hyung said that he will give some food to someone but he doesn't want to tell who is that person." The other just nod but all of them badly want to know who is that person.

Fast forward ⏩⏩⏩

They arrive to the school exactly 8 a.m and normally they directly go to the SSO office because all of the part of  school  has camera except to this room so they always tend to go there even though SSO members are there.

When they arrive to the office they don't see someone. As they stand there the office door suddenly opened by Sunoo and Jay suddenly greet him.
" Good morning, Sun."

All of the members was surprised because of the action that Jay do and they even more surprised when Sunoo answered," Good morning too, Hyung."

Jay suddenly approach Sunoo and give him something, Sunoo was shocked but he grab the lunch box and suddenly Jay speaks," So I made pancakes earlier and I remember that if you want some. So I made some for you. Don't worry that is delicious."

" Hyung thank you, Don't worry hyung I will eat it later lunch and sorry Hyung I need to go now because I need to set up in our room because I have report. But thank you for this."
The other five felt that they don't even exist because the way the two interact to each other. Sunoo left the room and Jake walk towards Jay and ask him, why the two of you are so close, did we missed something hyung?
" Oh we just have a little chit chat yesterday and you know Sunoo is different when you will know him. But don't worry, now that we already close I will help all of you to be friends with him too." When suddenly Niki speaks and he said," No need to do that, Hyung if he doesn't want us then don't..." He said it but deep inside he really want to know Sunoo. * I am the one, who know him first before all of you... I know his secrets and his problem.*

Niki POV

Last year is the most crucial year that I face. I know that being an Idol is not that really happy but at the same time I also want to perform and show the way I dance. But there is one thing that I did that make other people bash me.

I go to the bar that time and there is a girl approach me and touch me. So i was surprised and I pushed her but little did I know there is a camera and take a picture of it and post it online. Because of that I started bash by other people and they even make fun the way I look. I will be honest that, that time I attempt to kil* myself but K Hyung stop and help me.

In the same year, I learned that K hyung group will go to the school and do there big event there. I was happy about that but after one month of their stay there. There is something that happens and almost K hyung got killed.
&Team is already at picked of their fame but suddenly something happen that make their team at lost. When I heard about what happened my anxiety and depression came back. So I continue to take psychological help from Jin Hyung.
Starting last year, I go to Jin Hyung office twice a month. One day when I go there, I was waiting outside when suddenly there is a boy that sit one chair away from me. He smile at me, I was surprised because the way he act towards me and it is my first time to see a beautiful smile. So I just vow and take a glance at him and saw that he drink the same medicine that Jin Hyung recommend to me. As I go there to the hospital I always see him but I don't have the guts to ask and start conversation with him. When suddenly I can't see him when I visit there. So when Jin hyung notice that I'm finding someone he suddenly ask me.
" Niks, who's your looking for? You look like you want to see someone."
" No hyung" I answered
" Hmm... Ok but if you want to know what his name ... I can tel-"
When suddenly my mouth open and asked him," what his name?, wait how do you know?" I asked him confused.
He answered," Come on Niki, whenever you go here. I noticed that you always look at him. Hello, I am a psychiatrist so I know some how, what you think."

I was surprised..." Hmmm, hyung is that to obvious? "
" No, i just notice and always look at you."  I felt relieved because of that but suddenly Hyung said something," Don't feel to relieve because that boy is smart and what if he knows it... He just doesn't talk to you. And you can't see him right now because he stop coming because he had something to do and he also change his appointment."
I was sad about that but I can't do anything. Hyung don't want to say his name because it is privacy, but he tell me that person is close to him and ever since he was only 8 years old when he started  take advice from Hyung.

Fast forward ⏩⏩⏩

When I learned that we will go to the same school. Where K hyung almost get killed, I react so hard because what if that thing happen to one of us, but when we arrive to that school their president is not there...  But I badly want to know who leads that year and I also want to ask him, why he let that thing happen?
While I was wondering around the school I suddenly over heard the conversation between Y/N and Jungwon. I was shocked because Y/N really depend that person. I am angry but Jungwon Hyung is right. I can't judge that person without knowing him and the true story.

But there is one day that surprise me, and that is when we perform and I saw someone familiar the person that I want to know and the person I want to see in the hospital is one person. So started that day I always watch him. I feel jealous when he talk and smile to other people specially to his friend Felix and I am mad when he act cold around us .

Sometimes I am happy because I know him already but I can't get away the feeling that lingers on me, that he is still the reason why K hyung is not with us... But I am willing to know the whole story.


I suddenly felt jealous to Jay Hyung because he already know Sunoo but I don't lost hope. I just tell them that, so they can think that I hate him. But I can't hate him now specially, when I know that we are similar to each other. I regretted saying that the person lead this event and before event  is happily wondering around but it is not.  I was in great pain when Heeseung treat him like that, I don't know why Hyung suddenly being so aggressive towards him but between the two of us. He can control his own emotion than me.

When we go out to the office we take our own path because we have different classes and after how many hours. Lunch break arrive, while walking to the pathway many students are running and I was about to bumped into a girl student when I suddenly change direction, but little did I know I bumped into someone and both of us fall. When I saw his face my heart beat so fast but I stand and I laid him my hand indicating that hold me so he can stand.
He grab my hand and I felt like there is a current that flows in my whole body and I felt butterfly but I hide this feeling. I fe sorry because his launch box roll and all of the pancake and egg fall on the floor and I suddenly speak, " I am sorry"
He smile and he said," No need but how about you I stained your shirt." He said when he suddenly grab my hand and hold it.

Author: I don't know if this chapter make sense... Hehe but I can feel that this chapter is full of surprise but stay tune because there is a lot of surprise.
So vote and comment if you find this story interesting but I hope even you don't vote and comment you still read... Thank you everyone... See yahhhh, in the next chapter...🥰

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