MISSING (Chapter 21)

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After the activity all of the students go to their tent and rest. Every leader of the group check their members. Sunoo is with Jungwon and checking if everyone is there. Jungwon, Heeseung and Sunghoon is in the group 1. While Jay and Niki is in Y/N's group and Jake is in Felix group. Jungwon and Sunoo was talking about something.

Jungwon face was red. So Sunoo asked him," Hyung , are you ok? Do you have fever." When suddenly Jungwon flinched because Sunoo touched his forehead.
" It's strange you don't even hot but still take medicine hyung if you feel something wrong." Sunoo said
Jungwon just nod and smile but he was thinking something.

* How can I not turned like this if you here and suddenly touch me. Sun please give my heart peace because it will explode.*

Sunoo suddenly speaks again and said," Jungwon hyung, thank you for taking the position of being the leader because right now I can't do it because I need to handle this whole event. I feel like I am a burden to you now."

" How can you say that, Sun ... It's ok to me and like what you said, you are in charge to this big event. So you are not burden and hello your here with me planning what need to do for tomorrow.
So go to your tent and rest let's do our work tomorrow... And by the way Sun, I saw that you and Heeseung Hyung is in the same tent... Please don't worry he is a good person too." Jungwon said and smile. Sunoo just smile and walk.

* I hope I can say my feelings to you... I love the way you smile even though I can see pain on your eyes. My Sun."

Sunoo entered the tent and close it, without knowing that Heeseung is already there and changing his clothes. When Sunoo see's Heeseung body he suddenly turned and close his eyes.
" I'm sorry, I don't know your changing."
Heeseung smirk and smile because of the reaction Sunoo made," Turn now I'm done changing my clothes."

Sunoo run to his space and go to his bed and act that he was already sleep. Heeseung just smirk and turn off the lights of the tent. And go to his bed and said" Goodnight". Sunoo here it and was confused to what Heeseung acting.

3 days have passed and the event went smoothly. The leading team is Jungwon team. It's already Thursday in the morning but they can't do an activity because it's raining so heavy. Sunoo left the tent because he needs to call for a meeting because one of the student was missing. The SSO members are worried especially Sunoo because someone is missing and they can't find the person.

Sunoo decided to find the student that was missing but Y/N and Felix said no because it's rain heavy right now, But Sunoo insisted it. So no one can stop him. Felix try to stop Sunoo and he also suggested to go with Sunoo but Sunoo decline because they need Felix here in the main base. While he was not here.
1 hour had passed Sunoo is still not here. Y/N can sense that something was off. They wait for another 3hours, the rain was still heavy.

While in the Sunghoon and Jungwon's tent. All of the Enhypen members gathered there and talk about something.

"Why the SSO members are so busy this day?" Jake asked
Jungwon answered" Sun, said earlier that someone is missing so they need to find him."

Jay was worried so he said," Guys, what if we go there and find Y/N and checked if they need help."

All of them nod.

They arrive to the tent where the meeting of SSO members takes place. When they arrive Y/N was crying and there is commotion, So Sunghoon and Jay walk towards to their sister place and asked her why...

" Oppa, Sunoo is missing."

All of the enha members are shocked worried to what they heard, when suddenly Niki ask," How does it make sense... I just saw him earlier and how that's happened?"

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