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A date with an Original▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ━ 11

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A date with an Original
━ 11. Crying Wolf

(Forgive me father for all I have sinned in this chapter.)

Cassius sat in his bedroom while he snapped his fingers watching as a blue flame engulfed his fingers. He waved his hand around watching as the fire danced around it.

With the events from yesterday and learning more about his and Tyler's unknown origins Cassius felt at ease knowing that there was a reason for his crazed obsession with violence.

Was it strange? Yes, was it low-key illegal? Also yes but what could they do to lock him up because he was born with mystical demonic powers that only grew stronger with each time he took somebody's life? Yeah okay.

There was a knock on his door causing him to drop his hand as he looked at the door. "Come in." He called out and Carol's face pepped inside his room with a smile.

"Cassius." She called out using that sweet tone making him groan immediately. She only used that tone when she wanted him to do something he remembered all the time when he was little.

"Yes my darling mother." He replied with a smile making her chuckle.

"I need your help hosting the annual historical tea party." She says, making him whine.

"Mom no, I'm not doing that, I hate history!!" He whined, shaking his head.

"But you're the perfect candidate to help me. People actually listen to what you say and you have that weird charm about you that makes people drool all over you." Carol said, making him raise an eyebrow.

"I do?" He questioned as he internally started thinking.

"Yes, you've had it since you were a baby, people would just always gush over you and you practically made them do whatever you wanted them to do." She explained and he sat up straight.

"Supernatural attraction." He muttered he had read about that. How Lucifer would use his charms and looks to lure people to sleep with him.

Wait, did that mean his dad sexually assaulted people? Eh they wanted to sleep with him anyways he just forced their Desiree.

"What's in it for me?" He questioned.

"Being a good citizen and son?" Carol questioned.

"Bullshit I'm a horrible person and I could care less about these people." He bluntly told her to which she nodded in agreement.

"I'll let you host the next annual Lockwood party. We can do it however you want." She said and he smirked.

"Deal. Oh and I get to raid the wine cellar." He bargained and she nodded.

"Sure but do not get my bubbles or I will revoke your wine privileges." She told him before she walked out of his room making him smile.


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