Prison Cage

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No I am not an animal. No I am not a criminal but my actions and life requires me to be locked out of a good life. It's dark and only melody of sad songs plays.
The siren sings their songs and the wolves howl at my lonely dismay.

I am behind cold steel bars. Cascading waves lurking my way. I only climb up but it's tempting to concede to my faith. I don't want to die. I have my brother's legendary story to tell. But his treasures fables will probably have to die with my own personal glory. Because there is no writer there just the remains of this dragon soul who longs to be with her beloved.

I draw and paint. Write letters to sail the seas. Isolated myself until my heart stop bleeding. Yes the mermaid, princesses and pirates as well as the prince of the village stops by to see me. However I am broken mystery.

I am not me. I'm just the pope hoping that I can get to glory.
It's cold in these bars. But due to the history I am warmed my the memories.

I lone for the touch of my siren. The brief glances we shared. Will I get my own Arthur there? I heard that he is a mighty king. Can I join him and be in his army. My surname is Achilles and is firmly known as Ablessing. We are one. She and I. I'm her alter but she took my name with pride.

I'm trying to find love again in her eyes. Not just for me. But for her too. But we are trapped in our disguise.

Rit rat rit rat swish swish goes our town.
May we be saved again with the love of our beloved bride. But until then we are stuck behind bars of the dark lonely depression night.

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