Relax And Breathe

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Authors note: I live in Alabama. Not saying where. But the snow and the cold temps is making me stay at home. So here is a poem.

The snow is glittering on my doorstep. Oh how I appreciate the shine.
It's cold and hard just like my past.
But with the melting sun, I see how positive I had become.
Taking a sip of my coffee, the steam is making my body smile.
Oh how I am ready to approach life once again.
My job takes my time but it's the breaks that matter.
Especially in this winter wind.

My childhood is negative.
I was abused and neglected by many.
I was beaten at every chance.
Some for reason and others for their personal gain.

My teen years I was taken advantage of.
Raped by my best friend.

But with this adult life I see that I am a woman who is strong enough to breathe once again.

Being abandoned was not easy. But with my life now I see that my family couldn't be. Because my adopted family made the best of me.

So taking my drink of coffee. I'm finally able to breathe.

Welcome to the new me.

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