Prison Musical

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It's cold and lonely but I can hear my siren missing me. Her song is the song that she had sang to me since I was a lad. It's only a symphony that we know because we was in harmony.

My prince is dwelling in the high towers of royalty. Trying to please the judges but isn't paying attention to me. Her beloved siren isn't singing a tune that make her feel pleased.

I miss thee. She is in the shadows. Left alone in this bittersweet world. It's dark and cold. But I have no way to get to thee. The ship doesn't set sail due to the extremities of the weather of the moon.

But do not worry my siren. I will find a way to get to thee. Just wait for me. I hear your song. I can feel your melody. Please dont die on me. I'm setting the ship towards the sun in the early morning.

My prince will have to bid thee farewell until he is ready to accept me. If not I am back into my lighthouse of music. Where it's your speed that controls me.

So let the music play. Let me feel your pain. Let me take it all in and seep it in my veins.

I will find thee and we will be reunited once again.

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