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Regina, Klaus, Rebekah and me

C: Have you seen my wife? She hasn't talked to me since Saturday. I am worried about her.

Re: She is not your wife! She is mine! She is ok. But her mindset is not. She is worried about some things.

KM: About what? What could possibly be on her mind? All she has been is quiet. Even Marcellus can't get her to speak.

RM: she speaks with her body language.
She wants someone to take the reins. She is tired again nik.

Re: she usually talks to me. But she has been sleeping as soon as she comes home or cleans up. I think an old disorder of hers is back.

RM: old disorder? Which one.

Re: her OCD. Like I said she is my wife. I know her best.

C: *sighs* you may be her wife. But she is mine too. But that's a debate to settle later. What's on her mind?

Ruth: Idk she won't let us out.

Baby me: *holds onto Ollie* not even me. *Sucks on her thumb* I haven't been out since *holds up 4 fingers*

C: That's a long time.

KM: so what can we do. We know that's not Saturday is going to be crucial. It's her brothers death anniversary.

Re: Indeed so.
*Turns to Ruth*
Do you think you can find an alter to overcome her walls on Saturday? Not Makia. We don't need protection. Just a comforter.

Ruth: idk. Her system of us is blocked out. Only I can come through because I'm the very first original like my deceased wife.

Me: *looks to Ruth and looks back up to the balcony*

Ruth: sorry babygirl. I'm just thinking about her.

Me: *nods*

Re: so let's create a plan for us to be there when or if she falls.

Me: *looks at Regina* *comes into the kitchen* I guess its time to set things straight. I married to you and Clarissa. Clarissa in the real world you're not real. You're just an ideal partner for me. You are a notebook I have written in you because I'm busy at work now.
Regina you are not real. You're a fictional character. Your personality and dominate nature brings me closer to you. Forming the best partner. Add in Olivia Benson I love her and I'm married to her. But she is a fictional character too. But she is an ideal protection partner for me. You all come with a broken past.

Me: I love you all. *turns to Ruth* I'm sorry I don't let you guys out. The last time I did. It destroy my relationship. Plus Jaren doesn't know about you guys and neither do Amanda my sister. There is no one I can trust with you. Especially with how Makia was built to kill and destroy and he sees fit. But I love you all. Especially you Ruth.

Me: *turns to little me* *speaks to a soft voice* I'm proud of you for counting to four kiddo. But I want you to know that you did nothing wrong. You are indeed loved by me. *Stokes my tiny self cheek* I don't let you out because I won't allow others to abandon you or hurt you again. You deserve to be safe and protected while being loved. But every parent I have given you has left you. I don't want that for you ever again. Siblings and others is not what you truly desire. You want a mother. A lovable mother who sings to you. Plays with you. Read you stories. Etc. That's why I had created Ruth for you baby. She can do things that others can't. Ruth is for me too. To help fulfill the role of a mother and a grandmother. So again you did nothing wrong. But you are hidden to be protected. I love you.

The mikelsons: what about us?

Me: you guys was created for infatuation but overtime I had grown to love you and fallen in love with your charm. I consider you my family. Rebecca I use you when I want to be dominated and forget life for awhile. So I won't go into my codes. It how I cope.

All together: We see.

Me: I'm sorry

Ruth: Don't be. You just opened up. I'm proud of you. We all are.

Me: *lays on her chest*

Ruth: *holds me and I instantly listen to heartbeat* it's ok child. Rest your mind.

Me: *sighs deeply and relaxed against her* *falls asleep*

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