I saw the light

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Authors note: I usually do three poems but today is a busy day so please just enjoy this one. Thanks :)

I was stuck in a cave.
Trying to embask in the dark.
Trying to lay on my scale of arms.
Closed lids and listening to the music of the nearby villages.
Whether it was a song of praise or a song of sadness.
I mourn when they buried their dead.
Sung when they had celebrations.
The dragon in me became apart of their life.
At first I didn't want to. I only wanted to protect them.
At first I wanted to isolate and breathe fire into the night sky.
But now it's another decade approaching and I had to blend in.
So disguising my pain.
I had blended in.
Now I see that I must be
Myself once again.

For I saw the light.
The truth
The betrayal
The plans of death
The slaughter of my kind and mankind.
The fake tears that was shed.
What was once my life.
Became no more.
Now its the life of what could have been.

I dream of a land with peace and positivity.
I dream of a land where the villagers can be themselves once again.
I dream of a land where we can thrive.
Atlas, it's just a dream.

For when I wake up I only see fire.
Burning the bones and flesh.
I see the rapes of the women.
I see the kids being sold into slavery.
My kind. We had became myths and fables.

But we had walked the earth since it was built.
We was dinos first and then we became dragons.
How is it that my kind can't even trace back the history of how we was made.

So as I fly away
I am searching for a new land.
I can't no longer call this land my homeland.
I must spread my wings and be a dragon once again.

For my name is Atticus and I am a born fed dragon.
I must be what I need to be.
Populate and create.
My home.
My kind.
I have saw the light.

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