To Jess

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I'm drinking so I apologize if this doesn't make sense.

Jess how have you been?
How's life?
They say you don't know what it means to loose someone till it just happens.
I am rereading your letters.
Remember those drawings well I still have them.
I can't just toss them away like you did with our love.

Are you in college now?
Are you acting?
I miss your letters..
You telling me how cute I am.

We meant for a lifetime but it's not happening is it?
I have moved on.
But it doesn't match what we had.

I can't talk about you without crying.
I still have that dream you know.
But I'll be ok.

Life must go on.
But you will always be back in my mind.
I always thought that love could stand and I guess it's not.

Another arises have replaced you but still I don't know. I just often reminded of what we could have been.

I miss you.
But this time I'm saying goodbye .

Goodbye Jess.
Enjoy your life.
Live your dreams babygirl
Remember we will always be blessed Jessie. I'm just a text away.

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