Chapter 1

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At the age of 21, most people complain about being caught up in a substandard job. Whether it be having the worst boss or the worst pay, some would rather jump off a cliff than to live through such a condition for their entire life. For Valarie Lauryn, that wasn't the case. She was one of the lucky ones to find the perfect job on the first try. To change anything in her life at the time was just unimaginable.

The sun blasted through the large glass walls that surrounded the entire lobby. Monday, the most dreaded day of eternity. Today her boss would be hiring new workers and she was excited to see who the new members of the family were...or not.

She walked through the large mahogany double doors and entered into her boss's office. His eyes rose to meet hers and a mischievous smile played upon his face.

"Excited for the interviews?" she questioned, observing his features.

"As always" Nikolai smiled, wise eyes still fixed on her.

"I'll need you today as my second guide. Your judgement is almost as good as mine. Just give me the nod, lose them or keep them."

"Me?" Valarie questioned.

"What do I know? I'm not employee picking material. Besides, did you not see my hair today? I practically just rolled off the bed and left for work."

Nikolai chuckled. "Don't worry, you'll be fine, I trust that you'll do a good job on this just like any other challenge I've given you."

She smiled and smoothed the seams of her skirt.

Just then, the phone rang. Nikolai reached over to answer it.

"Mr. Osbourne" the assistant spoke into the phone.

"The first candidate is here for the interview. Shall I send her in?"

"Yes send her in" he responded kindly then hung up.

He straightened his posture and sat tall in his chair then glanced at Valarie. "Well here goes."

The door creaked open and the frail body of a woman jerked forward, landing flat on the floor with a thud. Valarie gasped and both she and Mr. Osbourne stood in sync. They attempted to go to her aid but she stopped them.

"I'm okay!" the woman rose awkwardly from the floor.

She tried feverishly to tuck her puckered shirt back into her skirt and walked unsteadily towards them. The glasses were simply too large for her face and she was forced to point her chin slightly upwards to keep it from falling.

"Mr. Osbourne!" her voice was way too high pitched to be normal.

"Ms. Taylor" he greeted.

She gave him a feeble hand shake and turned her attention to Valarie who stood slightly open mouthed.

"This is my assistant Valarie. Valarie Lauryn" he introduced.

The ladies shook hands. Valarie couldn't help but to notice how clammy Taylor's were. Her skin slid on hers like slime and she bit down on her lips to pass off the icky feeling without showing it on her face. She secretly wiped her hands at her side when the greeting ended.

"So Ms. Taylor, what brought you to apply for a job here? Why would you like to work at my company?"

She pondered on the question. With the time she took wounding up an answer you would think she would come up with something great but she should have probably kept her mouth shut.

"Uhh I don't know. I just uhh didn't get accepted anywhere else so I thought that you would be my lucky charm. Funny because Lucky Charms is like my favourite cereal" she laughed boisterously.

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