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A/n: you don't have to read if you don't want to, but this will be very short as it is not part of the story and just explains her background!!!

[y/n] pov:

Finally I am old enough to get out that hellhole, going home from home, and now I'm finally old enough to get a job start a new life.

I never really new my own family, ever since I was young I was going place to place, family to family. It was not fun.

One year I have the kindest family, the next I'm in a household of 20 children.

I remember my few best friends I have made and there is only one of them I still talk to, that would be scaramouche. He wasn't always the kindest but he eventually was nice-ish when he found out about my foster home. After I left that school we kept in touch.

But now it's up to me, to build a life of my own.

I place my few belongings into a suitcase I'm borrowing from my current family, it's not the biggest but it will do. It's quite torn up and the colour has faded into a dark linen.

Once I finished shoving my clothes and any other belongings I can't leave here. I grab my wallet and cheap phone I bought with the small amount of money I earned from my part time job, at a cute little café around the corner from the public school I went to. It was a little but enough to get me through.

As I headed out the door of my most recent foster home the cold breeze of teyvat hit my face blowing my [h/c] all over my face.

Then it hit me...

Where do I go?


Walking through the city was nice, it was refreshing. But I need to find a place to stay, I don't have enough money to purchase an entire apartment but I have enough to stay in a little hotel... for now.

I unpack my stuff into the cute little hotel room. I have enough to stay here for a few days I guess.

Now, to find a job.

All the ones I saw were quite appealing but only one stood out to me, the fatui, the most elite Buisness in teyvat, run by none other than mr tartaglia, there was a few job openings, and obviously with pay that high how could I say no?

Now all I had to do was land a job, yay so fun....

A/n: thank you for reading, I hope this clears up some stuff and sorry if it offended anyone? Also yes Childe runs the fatui, like I said not lore related!
Hope your enjoying

-your Kat

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