-Chap 17|can i just get some quality time?-

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Suddenly someone nocked on his office door...

"Oh, damn it!" He exclaimed loudly as he quickly turned away from [y/n] now and he sat back down at his desk. He pretended like he was still working, as if he wasn't doing anything else at the moment.

"What is it? Can it wait?" Childe continued as [y/n] sat nervously. He hoped the person would just say it was nothing and go away right now.

[y/n] peeked outside to see who this unexpected person was, "lumine is here to see you" [y/n] exclaimed sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she went to sit at her desk.

"Oh, thank you. Okay, send her in please." He said putting on his formal tone. Childe then turned away from [y/n] now and he put on that formal Boss and Employee act again. He looked at [y/n] right next to him from his peripherals right now and he still wanted to hold her hand. But he needed to do the right thing in this moment and act professional. she nodded as she brushed off her uniform and neatened her hair.

Childe continued doing work now as he heard the door open. Someone was walking into his office now and Childe turned to look at them right now.

"Hello, Lumine. I assume you would like to speak with me now? What would you like to address today?" He had a more serious tone in his voice now and tried to act like a proper boss. But he just really wanted [y/n] to hold his hand right now again.

"I am pretty sure the money from our companies investment, the abyss, should have arrived, no?" Lumine said very serious, getting closer to Childe's desk with each word. Lumine's eyes were glued on his, as she twirled her bangs waiting for his answer.

"Yes, the money has been transferred into the account quite quickly. Thank you guys very much for that, by the way. We appreciate the large donation made towards our company here." Childe was speaking professionally to lumine right now. But he still just wanted to talk with [y/n] instead, since he missed her already. Even if they were in the same room it didn't feel like it.

"so I suppose as I will be working for you and my entire company is under your name now I was wondering if I could have an office in your building, preferably close to yours Incase I get lost" Lumine says in an innocent voice. [y/n]'s eyes just role to the back of her head as she tries not to laugh at Lumine's attempt to flirt, but childe doesn't pick up on it and continues to make Buisness.

"Of course, you're more than welcome to use one of the spare offices here. We have a lot of them here in our main building, so you can use any of the spare ones you would like to use."

Childe continued to be professional in front of Lumine, but he just couldn't wait to not have to act like this in front of [y/n] anymore. He missed being himself with her.

"If you don't mind me asking where would that be exactly?" Lumine asks in a very sweet tone, that sounded very fake to [y/n].

"Hmm, I believe there are some available offices downstairs and some upstairs as well. You can choose whichever suits you best honestly. I think you'll find that we have most of the offices here free for use, in case any new employees need to join us in the future." He responded politely. Childe didn't seem to have any issues in letting this important figure have an office and he was just being nice and informative towards them now, as he thought nothing of this whole situation. But he just wanted to be back with [y/n], Alone.

"If I want I can show her where it is?" [y/n] responded, but her plan wasn't to take her to the closest one to Childe's, more then furthest...
"Oh don't worry [y/n] that won't be necessary" lumine said in a sarcastic, fake tone that made [y/n]'s blood boil.

"That's okay, [y/n].. I got this, thank you. But you can go back to your work now, alright?" Childe wanted [y/n] back at her desk, so that he could go back to just him and her in his office again. So he made it very clear that she didn't need to show the figure her way around the office.

"No please childe i insist" [y/n] responded, but all she got was a death glare from lumine.

"[y/n], go back to your work." Childe said this in a slightly serious tone of voice right now. He just wanted to be alone with her again, he didn't want her taking twice the time to show someone around, what happened if she got lost? How would he spend time with her then?

Lumine gave [y/n] a large smirk. "But-" [y/n] started before getting cut off.

"Please, [y/n]. I don't need you to show this figure here around. Go back to your place now, alright?"

Childe was sounding quite impatient right now and he wasn't happy with how he and [y/n] had been interrupted. He just wanted this whole ordeal to be done now, so he could go back to being alone with her.

"Hey [y/n], lumine is an important one for the company, so please just let me talk to her for a bit now. You have your work anyway, right?"

"FiNe....Yes sir" [y/n] admitted in defeat as she sat down pretending to look through some files while the lumine
Glared at [y/n] with the look of 'I win' plastered on her face.

"Good, perfect." Childe quickly turned away from her now to talk to the figure more about the work they were supposed to do and how he could help this figure in his work now. But Childe just wanted to get this whole thing done with and go back to
[y/n] already, as he was just getting more frustrated at this point.

On lumine way out she wispered in [y/n]'s ear "I'm one step ahead, you better not get in my way" after that she ran after childe putting on a fake sweet smile.

"Okay, so. How can I help you, lumine?" Childe was speaking professionally with the figure again, as if he wasn't just interrupted or annoyed right now.

"so I was wondering if you could show me to new the office" she said sweetly"

"Yes, of course. Let's go, I'll just show you to the office now then." Childe put his work aside so he can guide this figure to where the available offices are now. It seemed as if he was just going to escort him there and go back to [y/n] right after, as he was getting so annoyed right now. But he couldn't show that to that figure. He had to stay professional for the moment.

A/n: hope you enjoyed! Another chapter written! As soon as my book hit 1k it's been going up much faster and a day after it got to 1k i was already on 1.1k!!! Thank y'all so much... until next time...

-your Kat

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