-Chap 14|Confessions-

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Later on

Childe was sitting at his desk waiting for his assistant to arrive. He could find her but he decided to wait, he had some work to do but he wanted to talk to her.

[y/n] was the only thing on his mind right now.

Suddenly he heard a knock on his door... could it be?

"Come in" he said in a calm collected tone. He sat in anticipation.

"I'm back, turns out I had the documents" [y/n] told him laughing a bit.

He blushed a bit, "yes I realised that" Childe said chuckling a bit.

"If you don't mind me asking who was that girl?" [y/n] asked a bit curious.
"Oh lumine?" He paused for a second. "She's one of the workers, she was telling me about a new idea she had, I didn't want to be rude so I listened... why do you ask" Childe responded, very curious as to why she wanted to know.

"No reason, just a bit curious" [y/n] said breaking eye contact, looking down at the documents she held.

"[y/n], are you jealous?" He teased.

"No!" She said very defensively. She was trying to hide her red face, she was quite embarrassed.

"You sure [y/n]?" he said standing up and moving closer to her.

"No, what is there to be jealous about?"

He was now standing in front of her. He placed his hand under her chin, moving her head so she faced him. "Hmm, I wonder... are you jealous I'm talking to another woman?"

[y/n] blushed a lot "You can talk to whoever you like it doesn't bother me" she responded very embarrassed.

"You sure? to me, it looks like you are jealous" Childe said in a teasing tone, he enjoyed teasing her.

"I'm, not" [y/n] said a bit frustrated.

"Ok, ok" he said walking to his desk. "Also what were you saying earlier about our dinner?" He asked, his whole demeanour was changing to a more serious one.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I can't remember" [y/n] responded pretending to be distracted.

"Sure, sure, we're still on for dinner though?" Childe said calmly although there was a little panic behind his voice. 

[y/n] cleared her throat before speaking. 

 "Are we?" 

"I don't know I'm asking you"

"Well, I'm asking you now"

"Asking me what?"

"If we're still on for dinner??"

"Of course we are!"

[y/n] gave Childe a glare In defeat. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?". "Maybe, maybe not" Childe responded in a teasing tone.

After a moment of silence, childe decided to ask her something. "Can I ask you something [y/n]?" 

"Sure, childe" she responded very curiously about his question. 

"If you don't mind me asking, can you make sure that in public, we act like we're only just colleagues?" Childe said this to her with a smile, as he was a bit worried that their relationship would be found out if they acted like it was more in public. He wanted them to be more but he needed to get the courage to ask her out, but he would still need to be a secret for work matters. 

   "I just don't want me being in a relationship with you to affect our company is all, alright?" He added.

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