-CHAP-1|did i get the job?-

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[y/n] pov:

As I checked the time it hit me I have 11 minutes before my interview.
I was late, I can't be late.

That was probs the fastest I have ever run and I am now standing in front of the large building. It gave me butterflies, I was extremely nervous. Seriously out of all the buildings in teyvat, the job I'm applying for has to be the biggest, of course.

As I entered the fancy place, I saw a long line of people going out the doors, how the hell am I going to get the job?

Reader pov:

The skyscraper was large and made of mostly glass, at the top there was the fatui symbol sparkling in the sun. People from all over teyvat were applying for this job.

The long marble floors and glass chandeliers glistened and created a beautiful room as people anticipated the moment they got to talk to the big boss himself.

He was hiring for a new assistant.

Seconds felt like years, and all you saw where people leaving with disappointment. [y/n] waited in fear, what will she do if she doesn't get the job, where will she go?

As she made it to the front of the queue her heart pounded in her chest like a drum. After a few minuets Two fancy butlers wearing neat, black tuxedos, took her into the room, with marble floors and fancy walls, everything was clean and neat, it made her really nervous. Behind the wooden desk sat the boss himself, tartaglia.

Her [e/c] eyes met his as she walked in, her heart skipped a beat at the tall handsome man in front of her.

[y/n] nervously held the papers in her hand as the man pointed at a seat. She slowly sat down waiting for him to start.

"So, I heard that you are applying for a position within my corporation? I suppose I would need to see your resume first. Please present your credentials."

His eyes met hers as she passed the sheet of paper in her hand. She had spent forever on it. She needed this job.

After reading it for a bit he smiled at her and placed the paper on his wooden desk.

"Hmmm... You do seem to qualify for this particular position. So, I will conduct an interview with you to determine if you are truly fit for this role. I must ask, are you willing to take orders from anyone above you?"

She can feel herself getting more nervous "of course"


After the interview he invited her back in.
He cleared his throat before speaking.

"Well, congratulations on getting the position. I want to set some expectations as to what you should be doing. As my assistant, you will need to help manage my affairs. You will be assisting me in setting up meetings and taking notes during those meetings. You will also be keeping track of tasks and deadlines, and reminding me if something is coming up. You will also be asked to do research for me from time to time in order to prepare my presentations and other materials."

"Are you up for the challenge?"

She took a while to process she had gotten the job.
As his assistant.
A good paying job.

"Thank you so much boss!" She said excitedly, before sitting down and crossing her legs trying to be as polite as possible.

"Excellent. Now, your work hours shall be between 9 AM and 6 PM, Monday through Friday. You are free to take time off for lunch and breaks, as well as sick/vacation time. However, please make sure to get all of your work done before leaving the office."

MY BOSS FELL FOR ME| CHILDE X READER| MODERN AU|Where stories live. Discover now