-Chap 4|catching feelings-

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3:30 am

He looked up from his laptop as he saw [y/n] entering his office. He was surprised to see her so early in the morning, but he reminded himself that this was normal, since they had a meeting at 4:00.
"Greetings, [y/n]. You're early." He said in a calm voice. He was about to work on his computer when he noticed that she looked a little worried. "Is everything alright?"
He paused for a moment, looking at her.
"You don't seem to be in a good mood. Is there something troubling you?"

"No I'm fine.. but I have all the files" she said looking very tired and exhausted.

Childe raised an eyebrow, but he kept his tone gentle as he spoke.
"Very well, if you say so"
He smiled at her. Despite her tired look, he couldn't help but notice how pretty she was.
"Have you been working a lot? You seem a bit tired..."
He paused for a moment before making a joke, unable to resist. "Are you getting enough sleep? I wouldn't want you be yawning during the meeting..." He chuckled for a moment, as if he couldn't help but tease her a little bit.

[y/n] laughed a bit at his comment "I slept a bit"

He chuckled as well, and he gave her a smile.

"Are you sure? You don't seem to be very well rested..."He paused for a moment, still smiling at her. "But don't worry. If you're too tired to stay awake, then I'm sure the other members will understand. As long as you're prepared for the meeting, everything should be fine." He was joking, but he could imagine that the meeting would actually be quite intense.

"You have your files ready, right? We don't want any last minute surprises..." he said back to his serious tone.

"Yes I do" she paused for a moment looking at the time on her phone, 3:32
"would you like me to do a coffee run mr tartagliashe asked politely.  He thought about it for a moment, but he decided it would be better to have [y/n] close by him, instead of sending her on an errand.

"No, I think it's best if you stay here with me, [y/n]." His tone was gentle, as he didn't want to sound too forceful. But he still felt that she should be here with him.
He paused for a moment, thinking about the meeting.

"Just make sure you stay awake during the meeting, alright?" He chuckled slightly, once again unable to resist a small joke.

"Ok is there anything else chi.... Mr tartaglia" she said stuttering on her words. She was trying to be as formal as possible.

Childe raised an eyebrow and looked at her in response to her calling him "Mr Tartaglia."

It's just "Childe",[y/n]. No need to be so formal.." He smiled for a moment, as he wanted to ensure that she was comfortable around him.

But after a few seconds, the look of concern returned to his face. "... Was there something else that you needed,   [y/n]?" He asked curiously.

"No" she said smiling warmly.

Childe was a bit surprised at her smile, which made him think that she could be in a better mood than he thought.
But he decided that he shouldn't be so overly concerned. She was here now, and she seemed to be doing what she was expected to do. There was no need to worry. "So everything is perfect for the meeting, then?" He asked.

"All is ready" she paused for a bit before continuing "you don't really need to worry your already the most successful man in liyue" He couldn't help but laugh a bit at her compliment.

"Well, I wouldn't go as far as saying that I'm the "most successful man in Liyue"..."
He paused for a moment, trying to make sure he didn't sound too cocky or arrogant when giving his response.
"But I appreciate you saying that, [y/n]. It's certainly much better than being the worst..." He laughed for a moment, as if he was trying to make a joke.

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