-Chap 3|join me for dinner?-

160 11 28

4:01 am


Hi scarah it's been a

What do you want

Well I found a good
Paying job under
The fatui

Isn't that that big
Company run by
Old carrot head?

Yes that one!!!

What's so special
  bout it ??

Well im the carrot
Heads assistant

Cool don't care

Thanks for the

Also I gtg so bye


Seen: 4:11 am


6:01 am

[y/n] arrived at the office early the next morning, and she waited in the lobby until she saw Childe walk in through the door. She quickly stood up and greeted him.

"Good morning, sir!" She said waiting for him to acknowledge her before continuing but she gave up and finished what she wanted to say. "Do you have any tasks for me today? I could continue to prepare another email for our client, or I could help out with some other tasks."

Childe looked back at her and gave her a small smile.

"Good morning, [y/n]. No, I want you to stick with the email task for now."

[y/n] nodded and jotted down the schedule for the three meetings. She felt slightly anxious about having to prepare all of this, but she was also excited about the chance to assist Childe.
"Sir, can I ask you a question?" She asked politely. Childe looked back at her curiously. "What is it,[y/n]?"

[y/n] took a deep breath and decided to ask. "Why do you trust me with so many tasks that are usually reserved for accountants or secretaries?" Childe thought about it for a moment.

"Yes, it's rather unusual right? But I have noticed your excellent attention to detail, and I feel like you have a lot of potential. I am willing to give you this trust, knowing that you will not fail me"

[Y/n] couldn't help but be impressed by his response, and she quickly nodded to acknowledge him.
"Good to know that you believe in me, sir. I'll try not to disappoint."
Childe smiled, and they continued on with their work.

6:04 am
the next day

[y/n] arrived at the office again, and she noticed that Childe had already arrived. She quickly approached his office and knocked on the door.

"Sir, good morning. Are you ready for today?"
Her heart started beating slightly faster than usual, feeling a little anxious and excited at the same time. It seemed as if every day she was learning something new about this job, and it made her feel as if she was getting closer and closer to Childe himself.

MY BOSS FELL FOR ME| CHILDE X READER| MODERN AU|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang