-Chap 12|think before i speak-

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"I've got an idea, how about I go to your office to do my job?" She responded.

'Sure you will, I know you will.' Childe smiled and looked at her as she started walking again now. He still didn't want her to leave just yet. He felt happy right now and he wanted it to last longer.
"I can't let my assistant leave me for work just yet. I'm not done talking to you. And I want you to keep blushing and smiling."
Childe was obviously flirting with her now, as he wanted to get that out of her as much as he could.

"I need to get my job done though.." she replied a little frustrated.

Childe noticed the frustration  in her voice right now. He then smirked and looked at her with a more teasing look.

"[y/n], you know that isn't going to convince me to let you leave right now." Childe paused a bit now, his voice getting more flirty now.

"In fact, you just sound cuter when you say that. I don't think I can let you leave right now, since you need to keep me company a little more."

[y/n]'s face went as red as a tomato as she started speed walking out of the room. "I'll be in the office" she said in a hurry.

Childe chuckled after this, seeing how she tried to hurry away from him now. He still wanted to talk to her more now and he loved seeing her this flustered.
"Yes, you can go do work, but first I need to see your gorgeous smile once more."

Childe was clearly flirting with her now, as he wanted to keep her around for a bit longer.

"Please, stay just a bit longer for me?" He asked her now, glancing over at her now, again..


[y/n] pov:

That is probably the fasted I walked, i could feel the heat coming off my face, but damn I never new childe was that much of a flirt.

Ever since yesterday night he's been taking every opportunity to tease me or make me blush, I thought he said he wanted to keep it a secret???

As soon as I got to the office I went on my computer.

I swear I did try to get work done but damn I couldn't stop thinking about everything childe said. I tried to think of other things like meetings, and work, but my mind kept wondering to him, why him.

I gotta admit he is hot though, and knows how to get a girl to blush.

Oh how amazing last night was, it was better than I thought it was going to be, it was so romantic I felt like I was in a movie, one of those like really romantic ones.

Ok ok [y/n], work focus on work.

Just as I began working I could feel someone's presence and it my heart race.

As he entered the office I could feel him looking at me, probably seeing if I really would do work now. He knew I probably wasn't, because I could feel his eyes watching my screen, oh I am doomed.

"So, I see you decided to join me here in my office..." he was smirking at me now. I was really confused why he decided not to sit down in his chair, and instead was just standing in front of me now making my heart race, it felt like it was going to break out my chest. Sweat was rolling down my neck, he makes me nervous.

"Or are you just here because you wanted to be with me?" He asked me now in a teasing tone, I could feel my heart skip a beat, ok I wasn't here to be with him exactly, I was going to get away from him because I was scared of what people would think, but this is better I guess??

MY BOSS FELL FOR ME| CHILDE X READER| MODERN AU|Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora