-Chap 2| first day on the job-

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9:12 am

The next day, [y/n] arrived at work and went straight to her desk. She logged into her computer and started to schedule the meeting that Childe had asked for. It took about two hours to find the right date and place for everyone.

Afterwards, she opened up her calendar and saw that Childe had an upcoming work meeting. She was intrigued to know what it was about. So she clicked into the details. It was a meeting with another CEO and some investors. She had heard of the company before, but she had no idea Childe had any connection with them.

As the day wore on, she kept herself busy with tasks that Childe had left for her. She had already received several emails and requests by now, but she was able to manage them well.

She had almost forgotten about Childe's upcoming meeting, but when she checked the time, she saw that it was going to start any minute. She was curious to know what he and the other CEO were going to discuss.

[y/n] decided it would be best to let him know so she went to his office and knocked on his door.
He was just finishing up some paperwork on his desk before the meeting, when he heard [y/n]'s voice at his door. He looked up and his heart suddenly started beating faster. "Come in."

She cleared her throat and slowly opened the door to find childe leaning on his chair fidgeting with a black and gold pen with his fingers. "You have a meeting in twentie minutes with another CEO....." she said politely, walking towards his desk.

"Ah yes... I almost forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me."
He said while quickly packed up everything on his desk, as well as some important documents that he was working on, and put them into his briefcase. He then stood up and fixed his hair.
"I know I already said this before, but I do appreciate the work you've been doing today. You've certainly proved yourself to be quite proficient. Keep it up, and you have a bright future in this company."
She blushed a bit at his comment but couldn't make out any words so she just gently nodded.

He went over to [y/n] and looked down at her. "Will you be joining me for this meeting?"

She doesn't really want to go but it's up to him, he is her boss after all. "If you want me to attend I will" she says trying to sound as polite and proper as possible.
He pondered it for a moment, and then nodded "Yes, I think your presence will be rather beneficial. You can help take notes for me and remind me of important points. And since this meeting is quite important, I think it would be best if we both attended."

He took her by the arm and began walking towards the door.
"Shall we go then?"
Her heart fluttered for a moment as her arm touched his but it was only a moment sadly.


They finally arrived at the meeting room, where an older man with a short beard, and several other men and women in suits were waiting.

Childe smiled at the people present and walked straight to his seat, while [y/n] stayed by his side. He then turned and looked back at her.
"Please take a seat as well, but just sit next to me for now. Our meeting will start in a few minutes." He then turned his attention back to the people in the room, while [y/n] took a seat behind him.

a tall woman with white hair and a gold dress entered the room turning towards childe. She was also one of the most successful woman in teyvat, but her Buisness stayed mostly in liyue city, while the fatui set up all around, the main building was in liyue while snezhnaya had more of the factories.

The tall woman sat down and cleared her throat to speak. "Thank you for inviting me here today, I am lady ningguang for those who don't know" she says very elegantly.
Childe bowed respectfully to Lady Ningguang.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Ningguang. My name is Tartaglia, and this is my assistant,[y/n]."
[y/n] waved at her and smiled. She was still slightly nervous about being here.

[time skip sorry]
4:03 pm

A few hours later, the meeting was finally over and everyone was preparing to leave. Childe stood up from his seat and turned back to [y/n].

"[y/n], would you mind staying for a few more minutes? I would like to have a conversation with you."

She nodded and looked a little anxious.
"Good. I have a few things to discuss with you." He instructed calmly signalling for everyone else to leave.

Once the room was empty, he turned back to [y/n] and spoke up "You see, I noticed during that meeting that you were taking quite a lot of notes. Most of the time, I would have given this task to an accountant or a secretary."

"Oh I don't mind I just thought it was right" she replied quickly. [y/n] didn't know how to react. She had always wanted to be an assistant to someone, and now she was working for one of the most powerful men in the company.

He noticed her face turning slightly red, and something about it was making him feel... strange.

"Well, I certainly appreciate your work here [y/n]... And I must say, you have a keen eye for detail."
He Said clearing his throat and suddenly felt the urge to be close to her.
"Let me ask you... How old are you, [y/n]?" He asked curiously.

"I recently turned 19" she said sweetly.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"Twenty years old... You are quite young to be working this kind of job." He paused for a moment to sit on one of the desks. Childe crossed his arms over his toned chest before continuing.
"You know, when first met you, I thought you were much, much younger."
He looked straight into her eyes and continued studying her. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her. She seemed innocent and naive, but there was something else beneath the surface. Something that he felt was calling to him..

She noticed his staring and it all became awkward so she decided to break the ice.
"Well we better get going you have another meeting in a few minutes" [y/n] said softly looking at the floor.

*He found himself staring at her lips for a moment, before pulling away quickly.
"Yeah, that's right. We better leave before that meeting starts."

4:37 pm

They eventually left, and Childe led the way to his office again.

"So, you're nineteen years old huh..."
She nodded politely wondering why he asked. He kept thinking about her age, and he wasn't sure what to make of it he was 20 years old himself taking on a Buisness at a young age.
"Well, [y/n], let me tell you... There are going to be a lot of expectations placed on you now that you are working for this company." He says in a calm tone gazing at her.
[y/n] laughed a bit agreeing with his statement. "My first day has been quite stressful"

"It's normal to feel a bit overwhelmed on your first day. But after working here for a while, you'll get used to it. As I said before, you fit in here perfectly."
He said as they arrived at the entrance to his office and walked in. He led her to her desk and turned to her.

"But you still have one more task to complete today: you have to prepare an email to one of our clients. I will have the details sent to your inbox shortly. Be sure to get it done by tomorrow, alright?"

"Of course I'll get that done as soon as possible!" She exclaimed excitedly.

He nodded exiting the office...

A/n: Second chapter done YAYAYAYA!! I hope it makes sense, I know the lore is... interesting. I promise things will get spicier and will make chapters longer I know there short.

MY BOSS FELL FOR ME| CHILDE X READER| MODERN AU|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin