-Chap 15|Can you promise me?-

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9:25 am the next day


"Haha, it's funny to see you speechless for once, [y/n]." He said smiling at her and she nodded in approval. 

Last night repeated in their head like a broken record, neither of them believed it happened. "I'm so glad that you said yes. It's like we were meant to be together." He said looking at her face, it was redder than he ever thought it was possible. 

"[y/n], your face is so red right now and it's the cutest thing." Childe chuckled again, as he felt happy to be with her now.

She was speechless but managed to give him a soft, teasing, nudge.

"If you don't mind, can you make sure that in public, we act like we're only just friends?" Childe said this to her with a smile, as he was a bit worried that their relationship would be found out if they acted like it was more in public. But at least he was able to call her his girlfriend and also be able to hold her hand, so it wasn't that bad. "I just don't want me being in a relationship with you to affect our company is all, alright?" He reassured her. 

" oh yes, I was planning on keeping it a secret anyway" [y/n] responds, while walking towards the large office building. "Well, I'm glad you said that. So yes, please do keep this our little secret too." Childe said smiling at her a bit and he leaned in close to [y/n], still holding her hand.

"Yes work is a big priority, especially for you" she responded going off topic. 

"Thank you, [y/n]. You're so amazing at your job and it always makes me proud that you're working for me." She blushed a lot at his comment managing to say a soft "thanks". Childe then looked at her again. He wanted to spend more time now with her after the meeting.

"We should get back to the office now, though. We still have some work to finish." [y/n] notified him. He still held her hand tightly now, feeling happy to have her in his life.

"And as we walk in, just act like you're only my employee. Try not to hold my hand and hug me too much either." He teased, chuckling at the last bit. He didn't want their coworkers to start getting suspicious of them, after all. 

"She laughed a bit, I seriously think I should be saying that to you!" She teased a bit, nudging his arm slightly.

"What, you think that wasn't intentional on my part? Ha! I wanted to distract you with that." Childe said as  laughed to himself and he looked at her again.

"Sure, sure" [y/n] responded sarcastically.

"So, you know what to do in public now, okay." Childe seemed a bit nervous, but he was happy about their relationship now. But their coworkers couldn't know about it. They had to make sure it was only between them. "I have to be the boss and you be my employee again, alright? Sorry, [y/n]." 

[y/n] could tell he was being genuine and she understood his reasoning. 

she pushed the door open as people stared at them "so sir, I will go finish scheduling your next appointment" she said trying to be as formal as possible, it felt kind of weird to talk to him as if they didn't know each other. 

"Yes, [y/- I mean, my assistant. I think that would be for the best. We should just focus on work for now and not let anyone believe anything is actually going on between the two of us, alright?" Childe whispered the last part to her. Childes fingers brushed on [y/n]'s sending shivers up her spine. they started to walk towards the elevators, trying desperately not to make eye contact 

"[y/n], I don't mean to be harsh or annoying though. I just want what's best for us both, alright? I'm sure you'll understand..." he added once they were alone in the elevator. 

"Alright i'm going to be honest, your acting sucks" [y/n] says sarcastically ignoring his response.

"you're funny. But seriously, we really need to act properly when in public. We can spend time together as much as we want once we're done for the day though. Just make sure no one notices anything strange, alright?" She nodded in agreement. This was like the eighth time he had reminded her but she got how important this was for him. 

They had arrived at the fifth floor now. Childe was waiting for the elevator door to open, so they could go back to the office. "I want to be with you in private, but I don't want any rumours  to start in the company just yet." He reassured her again.

"Yes, yes you don't have to keep reminding me." [y/n] responded.

"Alright, I understand. But we just need to keep this a secret now and act professional in front of the others for the time being, okay?"

They had entered another elevator and the door then closed. It was just the two of them in this small space now, as they slowly were headed back to the main office. 

"[y/n], I can just be myself with you in private. We can do whatever we want without anyone seeing it. I really want to be with you, but I don't want your coworkers to know about us.."

"Childe I understand but you don't have to worry so much, I swear on my life I'll keep it between us" [y/n] reassured him.

"Thank you, [y/n]. I trust you enough to know that you would never do anything to harm my company. But for now, we just have to keep this a secret."

Childe then looked at her again and he saw that she was looking straight at him. He held her hand tightly in the elevator now, as he didn't want to let go of her at all.

"[y/n], I want to tell you how much your help has meant to me in this company. And I can't wait to be with you later today when we're not at work." She laughed a bit at his remark. 

"You're cute when you giggle, by the way."

Childe chuckled a bit and he still held her hand tightly in the elevator right now. He was happy to have this moment with her.

"Well, let's just get back and focus on our work now." Childe looked at her again, as he saw that they were reaching the floor of their office now. He was still smiling at her, as he just liked spending time with her.

"Yeah let's focus on work this time" she said in a sarcastic tone referring to the day before. 

He chuckled a bit "I had just wanted to get your attention for a bit. But don't worry about it, [y/n]. We can just get on with our work as usual." She nodded in response.

Childe then let go of her hand as the elevator reached the floor their office was on. They both walked out now, and Childe saw that the other employees were still at their desks, so no one had seen anything yet about them. Childe then started to walk over to his office again, as he called out to [y/n] again.

"[y/n], please come by my office later."

A/n: I'm so sorry it's been so long I had to train for swimming state trials and school started!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll try get more done. Thank you guys for all the support tho! This book is nearly at 1k!!! Thank you so much!! 


-your kat

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