-Chap 10|lakeside confessions-

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"That's, if you're interested of course..." childe asked her, he felt so nervous, what if she said no, what if...

"I would love to childe" she said blushing alot, did her boss just ask her out?. Childe suddenly felt his heart race even faster than before now.

"Y-you would..?" His face turned bright red now, as the atmosphere seemed to change again.

Childe looked down at his food for a moment, as he tried to compose himself.

He couldn't believe he got lucky enough to have someone like [y/n], actually be interested in him this way. He looked up at her again with a huge smile now.

"Mhm" [y/n] said, too speechless to talk.
Childe's face was full of excitement, as he couldn't believe she actually said yes to going on a date with him.

"I'm so happy to hear that..." He paused for a second again. He couldn't stop thinking about how she looked sitting across from him right now.

"I guess I'll see you soon then, right after dinner tonight..?" Childe smiled at her now.

"Could we take your car though..." [y/n] laughed, childe chuckling along with her.

"Of course!" He kept thinking about how incredible she looked sitting across from him right now.
He looked up at her again, as he was a bit nervous to ask her next question. Childe cleared his throat.

"So, um... Would you like to go somewhere else right now, or..." He was trying to say that he wanted to go somewhere more private, but he couldn't bring himself to say that right now.

"It's your car so, you decide" [y/n] said knowing she had no idea where a good place would be.
"Well... there's an amazing place nearby. It's got a beautiful garden, and we could have a nice private walk together now." He tried to sound more confident with his answer.

Childe was very nervous, but he made up his mind now. He just wanted to go somewhere private and relax with [y/n] He looked at her again.

"So, would you like to go there now?"

"Of course"

Childe began leading her outside.He wanted tonight to be special for the two of them, and he was starting to feel excited about what they were going to do.

"May I know where exactly we are going?"

"Well, it's a surprise!" Childe was a bit too nervous to tell her where they were really going. He kept looking at her now, as his feelings for her kept growing. He smiled and kept driving towards their destination now.

Childe wanted it to be a special moment for the both of them, and he also wanted to give [y/n] one of the most memorable and romantic nights of her life tonight.

"Okay, this should be close to our destination.." He continued to drive now, to an open field with a lake nearby.

*Childe stopped the car in the open field now, as he looked at [y/n] with a large smile.

He cleared his throat to speak now. "I wanted to do something special for you tonight, so I thought this would be an amazing place for it." Childe felt so nervous, as he looked at [y/n] now.

"Oh childe it's beautiful"

Childe took a moment to get out of the car afterwards, as he walked to [y/n] to stand next to her now.

"I'm glad you like the view."

"He paused for a second now.
Although I think you look even more beautiful in this setting now though."
He felt his heart beat a bit faster when he said this to her. He suddenly got a bit closer to her now, as he looked into her eyes again and smiled.

MY BOSS FELL FOR ME| CHILDE X READER| MODERN AU|Where stories live. Discover now