-Chap 13|im not jealous-

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Hey [y/n]

12:01 pm

[y/n] you alive??


I'm probs gonna
Come for latern rite.

Wdym? Where?


Oh yay!!

Jeez it's like talking
to a brick wall

Last seen at 1:36



Did you die?

1:36 pm

[y/n] pov:

Most of the time I attend Childe's meetings, as an assistant should, but on the occasion I don't. It could be for lots of reasons, but most of them seem to be because of confidential reasons.

Those occasions are like torture, I have nothing to do, no one to talk to, nothing.

Right now I'm just sitting at my desk acting like I have something to do, but I don't, sadly...

Then I finally see childe, I can feel my heart start racing, but then my eyes catch a certain individual. She has short blonde hair with two strands at the front. She wore an elegant white dress, with a little flower in her hair. She had a few documents in her hands. She was talking to him as they walked.

The way she looked at him, the way she laughed at his jokes, the way she twirled her hair...

What's this feeling? Is it jealousy? No I'm not jealous me and childe aren't even a thing yet, we've just kissed a few times, and he said he liked me...

But why do I feel like I want this to stop, make her jealous, but I can't do anything stupid, I'm at work, he's at work... play it safe [y/n].

I could feel myself sitting up from my desk, and walking towards childe, my heart thumping in my chest. I saw his eyes catch mine. "Oh [y/n] I was looking for you, my meeting finished" childe said in his usual tone. "That's good, I was just looking for you!" I said in the cheeriest voice I could.

I could see the blonde girls eyes meet mine, she looked a little frustrated, it's working.

"Looking for me why? Is something up?" Childe said in a concerned voice. "Oh no I just need to ask you something about our dinner tonight?" I asked in a sweet tone. I could see him blush, but the girl next to him looked angry, like she was going to rip my throat out or something. "Oh um, could we talk about this later," childe said a bit embarrassed nudging his head to the girl next to him, I can't tell what he meant by that... but I think he was trying to say she was someone important.

"If you don't mind me asking mr tartaglia, would this be your assistant?" The blonde girl asked in a soft formal tone. "Oh yes, yes my uh.. assistant... , [y/n]" childe said in the most obvious fake tone, i could tell he was trying to hide something from her.

Oh childe why do you suck at acting, I thought to myself.. I should probably bring that up later...

"Oh, hi [y/n], my names lumine!" The girl said in the most fake voice ever, well to me it was fake. I just nodded at her, I wasn't bothered to greet her. "Um if you two don't mind I have to quickly go grab some documents from one of the people be back!" Childe said in a nervous voice, walking off.

Now it was me and this lumine girl.

"So [y/n], you must be Childe's assistant, or is it more than that?" Lumine said in a fake sweet tone, giving me a smirk as in she new something. I really wanted to tell her but I don't think childe would want that... "I'm sorry lumine, but I'm not sure that's your place to question, Childe's and my personal lives are none of your Buisness" I said trying not to be that rude, but with a very formal tone.

"Oh, so I must be correct then?" She said with a grin. "I never said you were, but even if we did it's not your place to barge in" I snapped back.

"But to me it sounds like much more than assistant and boss, am I right." Lumine responded in a calm tone. I was getting angry at her. "Lumine, I am just his assistant" I responded. That lie hurt to say to her, I wanted to put her in her place, but that's not my job, I don't know how important she could be.

"Oh so he's single?" She asks "I wouldn't know" that would be me lying again.

"So you wouldn't mind me taking him?" When she said that I could feel my blood boil, I was jealous... I so badly wanted to snap at her and say something like, he's mine, or he likes me, but it's not my place, nor is it hers.

What am I supposed to say to her, oh yea sure go flirt with him while I watch, because it's not like he spends all his free time flirting with me, or we have kissed before, nooo none of that happened, just thinking about that made me cringe.

I could feel her stares... I tried to think. She looked as if she new something.. "that's not up to me" those words burned at my throat, I wanted to make her jealous, make her back away, but instead I just basically told her, go flirt with him, see if I care, he's single, childe where are you when I need you.

"That what I thought" lumine said giving me a smirk before looking through her documents. I just wanted to punch her, but I couldn't... I think Im jealous of her, but why?


1:47 pm

Childe pov:

I got out of there asap, I am not in the mood for slipping up, although I have a massive thing for [y/n], I don't think I'm ready for the world to know yet.

Things would be crazy, headlines, paparazzi, I would no longer have a private life with [y/n]. The world would know everything.

Work would become awkward, and our relationship would become awkward. [y/n] life would change completely, she would have to be a completely different person, just to meet the medias expectations. I like her just the way she is. At the same time I don't think she's ready for any of that. We're not even official yet, although I want us to be.

I got to grabs some documents. Then I remember that [y/n] would already have them. Whoops.

I can't help what [y/n] and lumine are talking about. I hope [y/n] doesn't slip up.

I do want people to know... eventually, so if my workers found out it would spread and lumine is one of the many workers I have. I don't need her finding out... not that it means anything, we were just walking out and she walked up to me and she complimented me on my work, I found it a bit annoying, but what I meant is that, [y/n] slipped up a bit and I don't want her to get the wrong idea, although it's right...

I just wanted to go back to my office and see [y/n] again, make her laugh, smile, blush, and mabye even another kiss. But no she ruined that moment dammit.

Oh well...

A/n: hope you enjoyed! this chapter was very hard to write because I see lumine as a very kind person but I needed to choose someone that is shipped with childe.. but anyways,

-your Kat

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