-Chap 11|your fun to tease-

76 5 11

10:18 pm

Childe walked inside his mansion, and he felt like his mind was racing again. He couldn't stop thinking back on the kiss and how [y/n] looked at him now. He suddenly opened his text app as he thought.

He was writing something to her right now. Childe took a minute to write the perfect text, but finally the message was sent.



[y/n], if you want to,
Do you want to go on
Another date, after

Oh hi, yes I would love

I'm glad you agreed
I'll pick you up at
10 tomorrow?

Of course
10 sounds good!

You know, your
Really pretty right?

That's so sweet

I just want to spend
More time with you,
You know?

I enjoy, hanging with
You two

But, I was serious
about you being with
me, because that's where
you belong <3

Was that your attempt
Of a pickup line??

Yes why?

No offence
But it sucked

Hmm you sure?

Ima probs

I should too
But I want to
Keep texting

Your just too
Fun to stop texting.

I need sleep tho-

I'm really not tired

Night childe

Good night, [y/n].
But please remember
I'll be picking you up
tomorrow, alright?

Ok then

Good night [y/n]
Will see you tomorrow.

Seen at 10:29


10:29 pm

Childe decided to leave her alone after this. He put down his phone and got up, as he was too excited to sleep now. He went towards his work room and sat down in his chair, putting on his headphones and listening to some of his favorite music.

Childe was now excited and nervous at the same time, and now he also couldn't wait for the next date with [y/n] Everything felt perfect for him, right now.

11:12 am

Childe was in a meeting for his work at the office today, thinking about yesterday's event the whole time.

He kept glancing at [y/n] whenever he got the chance to. Childe had never felt so attracted to anyone more in his life, as he couldn't stop glancing over to her now.
He felt his heart beating faster the entire time, while listening to the people talk in the meeting.

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