-chap 9| her black dress-

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8:01 pm

He kept on thinking about what [y/n] would look like, he kept staring at the door. hoping she would show up soon...

[y/n] arrived in a beautiful long black dress and a white flower in her silky [h/c] hair. Childe was stunned by how gorgeous  [y/n] looked now.

Her black dress was stunning, and she was even more gorgeous in person with that flower in her hair.He couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous now, as he noticed how pretty she was.

"[y/n]... you look incredibly beautiful."

Childe couldn't help but smile at her now. He suddenly felt his heart start to beat a little faster...

"Thank you that's very kind childe" [y/n] said politely blushing a lot. 

"I'm just telling the truth." Childe paused for a second."Is that the dress you were planning to wear tonight...?"

"Yes why" she asked, wondering why he wondered.

He tried to sound calm and confident, but he couldn't help but feel his heartbeat becoming a bit more faster again.
"It looks amazing on you." He complimented,smiling at her again, she could feel the blush on her face increase.

"You look nice as well" [y/n] responded.
Childe laughed softly now, as he tried to hide being nervous around her.
"Oh...thank you" He couldn't help but be overwhelmed by how beautiful [y/n] was in that dress.

Childe cleared his throat. "Are you ready to order dinner now..?" He tried to sound casual, but there was a hint of nervousness in his voice. He still couldn't stop thinking about
[y/n] now.
"Yes, childe" she said Sitting down at the table facing him.
He quickly turned his attention back to the menu. "Uhmm... I think I'll have the steak..."

He looked up at [y/n]. "What about you..?" He didn't want to assume, so he decided to ask her first. Childe cleared his throat again.

"I'll have the same I guess" she didn't know what any of the food was like, so she just ordered the same.
He then noticed what she ordered, and he seemed to appreciate her decision.

"Oh, that's a great choice. I know the steak here is delicious." Childe paused for a second, as he tried to think of something else to talk about now.

He looked up at her again, and noticed how amazing she looked in that dress.
"I've never been to a fancy restaurant" she laughed been honest.  Childe laughed as well. He looked at her face, as he couldn't help but appreciate how gorgeous she was to him right there.

"Really. Do you go out very often?" He turned away at the menu for a second. Childe noticed how amazing she was, even in the light from the candles on the table now...

"Not really I've always been quite tight when it comes to money" [y/n] said glancing at his beautiful blue eyes.

"That's understandable, but it's important to enjoy your life too."

He looked at her now, as he noticed how amazing her [y/n] hair looked in that dress. Childe paused again.

He still couldn't get [y/n]'s beauty out of his mind. He felt he couldn't just go back to work knowing how gorgeous she looked now. He tried to calm himself down, but he was so mesmerized by her beauty now.

"Yea, I guess so, do you come to places like this often?" [y/n] asked trying to be polite. Childe chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, I've been here before. This is one of my favorite places to come to when I want to treat myself." He smiled again at [y/n].

"But I think tonight is going to be extra special, since I'll be here with you tonight." He was trying to sound a bit more confident now, even if it was a bit hard with the beautiful way [y/n] was looking at him. He felt his heart beating faster again. He cleared his throat.

[y/n] blushed a lot laughing a bit.Childe's heart almost stopped when [y/n] laughed and blushed a little bit. He suddenly noticed the white flower in her hair again, which matched the white flowers they had at the table.

It felt like this moment was straight out of a romance movie for the two of them. Childe cleared his throat and laughed a bit now as well.

"Sorry, you just look incredibly gorgeous tonight, just had to say that once before we start dinner." He smiled a bit more now.

[y/n]'s face went a bright red, "that's so nice of you"

Childe's heart skipped a beat when [y/n]. It felt like the atmosphere between them was changing now.

"Oh? Thanks." He got a bit nervous now when she looked at him like that.Childe quickly turned away from her, as he saw that he was also starting to blush a bit now.

He cleared his throat and then started to feel the atmosphere getting a bit more intimate again.Childe paused for a second, as he tried to think of something else to say to her now.

Thankfully the food arrived. Childe turned his attention to the food now. "Food's here!"

Childe smiled at [y/n] again. He kept looking at her now, since she was sitting right across from him at the table.

"I hope you like the food here, I picked it out specifically for you."He looked at her with a smile now. She laughed softly at his response, "I'm going to take your word for it".

There was a moment of awkward silence so [y/n] decided to start conversation.

"So tomorrow do you want me to come early for work?" [y/n] asked looking up at her. Childe paused for a second.

"Yes, please come before 9 am." He cleared his throat.

Childe then took another bite into his food now. He wanted to ask [y/n] a question, but he was too nervous right now.He was suddenly thinking so much about it, that he couldn't eat anymore.

Childe cleared his throat again, as he tried to sound relaxed now. "Can I ask you something personal now..?" He looked into her eyes now.

[y/n] was nervous she didn't know what to expect.. what was he going to ask. She snapped out of it and looked in his gorgeous blue eyes and responded.

"Of course childe... what is it?"

He felt so nervous now, as he got closer and closer to asking her the question.
He still couldn't believe that he was sitting here, face to face with her. Her beauty was so amazing. He was starting to see a different side to her tonight. Childe took a deep breath.

"[y/n]... would you want to go on a date afterwards, like right after my dinner tonight?" He couldn't help blush now, as he asked her that question.

"Date..?" she was blushing a lot at his
Question was this a joke? Childe's heart skipped a beat when she looked flustered.
"Yes, a date, as in the both of us alone together."

Childe still couldn't believe he asked her that question. He felt so nervous now, in an excited way.

He still couldn't believe that she was actually here with him. [y/n] felt so unique to him, like he'd never meet another woman like her again. Childe cleared his throat again.

"That's, if you're interested of course.."

A/n: HAPPY NEW YEAR. I can't believe it's 2024 already it felt like 2023 just yesterday! Yet again, i leave it on a cliffhanger, you'll find out what happens in the next part, hope you enjoyed,


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