PJ Liguori x Angela Request.

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Requested by: 50shadesofPAHN

Third POV.

Angela's running her way to class when she bumps into him, knocking both her books and his onto the floor.
"I'm so sorry!" She exclaims as she quickly bends down to help him pick up the books. Their hands brush and she glances up to see a gorgeous dude staring back at her. He has dark, curly hair, mesmerizing green eyes, and an apologetic smile is on his perfect mouth.
"It's fine," He tells her reassuringly. Angela quickly hands him his books and then grabs her own before standing up. He stands up as well and she sees that he's fairly tall.
"I'm sorry, but I've got to run." She says, biting her lip. "I'm late for class."
"All right, I'll see you around." He replies before they both go their separate ways. Damn, he was cute, Angela thinks to herself. She rushes into her class and finds that there are only two seats in the back left. She quickly grabs the seat and sets her stuff down before digging a notebook out of her bag. The professor is at the front, writing away on the blackboard. She copies down what he's written, not paying attention to the curly haired dude who is taking the last empty seat beside her.
"Hello again," He says. Her eyes widen and she looks over to see him sitting there smirking at her.
"Um, hi." She says as she feels her pulse quicken.
"I didn't catch your name earlier," He says.
"It's Angela," She replies, smiling.
"Very pretty name," He says, making her blush. "I'm PJ, or you could just call me Peej."
"Or the two of you could just pay attention to class." The professor says suddenly. Angela mumbles an apology and goes back to taking notes while the professor heads back to the front. All's quiet except for the scratching of pens and the professor's booming voice.
Suddenly a piece of paper is slipped onto the desk and Angela frowns before realizing that PJ slipped the paper to her. She unfolds it and reads: Perhaps you'd like to go get coffee after class?
She quickly scribbles: Sorry, my film class is after this. and passes the paper back. He reads it and writes something else before handing it back.
I meant after all the classes are over.
Maybe. I have work I have to do, like an upcoming script.
I could help?
She glances at him when she reads the message he just wrote. He raises his eyebrows at her and shrugs before whispering, "I'm pretty creative."
Slowly Angela nods her head and then the sharp slap of a ruler on desk gets their attention. The professor glares at the two of them before going back to his talking. Angela shakes her head and goes back to listening to Mr. Professor.
The boring class soon ends and PJ grabs Angela's hand before she can leave the class room. She feels that tingly butterfly feeling one gets when there's a crush forming.
"So about that coffee date and me helping you?" He asks.
"Sure," She replies, smiling. "I'll see you after all of my classes. Meet me at my dorm at 5:30. You bring the coffee."

*Time skip brought to you by PJ Liguori himself*

"Thanks for helping me," Angela says to PJ a couple of hours later. With PJ's wonderful streak of creativity and a few of Angela's ideas, the script has come out beautifully.
"You're welcome," PJ says, grinning. "You're sure to get the top grade in that class."
"What can I do to repay you?" Angela asks.
"Ooh, just go on a date with me." PJ replies casually. "Tomorrow night."
"Certainly," She says with a smirk.
"I'll see you later then," PJ says, leaning in to kiss Angela's cheek. He smiles and then leaves, closing the dorm door behind himself. Angela touches her cheek where PJ kissed and blushes. She's definitely forming a crush on Peej. Maybe something even more than a crush if that's possible.

*The Next Night*

Dinner with PJ was amazing. Angela and PJ got to know a lot more about each other and Angela feels like this relationship will be a good one.
"Soo," PJ says as they stop outside of Angela's dorm door.
"So," Angela says, a smile forming on her face.
"Could I have a goodnight kiss, maybe?"
"Yeah, I don't see why not."
Angela leans up on her toes and gives PJ a light kiss on his mouth. Her fingers twine through his curly hair and his arms snake around her waist.
"Uh-hm." Somebody clears their throat.
Angela and PJ break apart and see Angela's room mate standing in the doorway.
"Could you guys, like, maybe go somewhere else and do that?" She asks, scowling. "I'm trying to sleep in here."
Angela blushes and turns toward PJ. "I'll see you tomorrow, Peej. Thanks for dinner."
"Thank you for the kiss," He replies with a smirk. He kisses her one last time, shoots her a wink, and then lopes off to his dorm.
"Oh no," Angela's room mate says. "You've got that look in your eye. You got it bad for him."
"Shut up," Angela says, smiling as she pushes her room mate back into the room.

*A couple of years later after graduation*

PJ and Angela graduated from university with degrees in film and art. PJ proposed a year after graduation, they stayed engaged for five months, and then got married. The wedding was beautiful, touches of creative ideas from PJ scattered about. Now five more months later both Angela and PJ are happy with their jobs; Angela as a film maker and PJ as a YouTuber and mini movie maker. They help each other with their jobs, occasionally collaborating with one another. They are as happy as can be.

A/N: I hope you liked the one shot, 50shadesofPAHN! I'm going to work on the Dan one now. :)

PJ Liguori (KickThePj) x Reader. REQUESTS CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now