PJ x Bre (Reader Request)

858 19 14

Requested by: llamas2009

First Person POV.

I stand in line behind a man who is talking way too loud to be in a public coffee shop. It sounds like he's having a business call, and instead of stepping outside until he's finished talking he's decided to stay in line and be a dickhead.
"Don't you hate when people stand in line and talk loudly on the phone?" A man's deep voice suddenly asks beside my ear.
I whirl around, accidentally hitting him in the chest with my shoulder.
"I'm sorry," I apologize. He's got curly hair and those green eyes of his are sparkling with amusement.
"Don't worry," he replies. "I'm PJ, but you can call me Peej if you like."
"Bre," I say as I shake his hand. "I don't like people like this man in front of us. They're so rude."
"Indeed they are," PJ agrees, nodding his head while pursing his lips.
Finally the line moves forward and I order my drink before finding a table to sit down at. I brought a book with me and my laptop, but it doesn't seem like I'll need either one since PJ has just sat down across from me.
"You don't mind if I sit here do you?" PJ asks, a slight pleading look in his eyes.
"I don't mind," I say, shaking my head. Our names are called for the drinks and I get up to get mine.
"I'll get it," PJ says, stopping me.
"Thank you," I reply, sitting back down. I watch him as he makes his way to the counter. I like the way his shirt fits snugly against his shoulders. And his jeans are a little tight, offering a nice view of his long legs.
PJ comes back to the table and hands me my cup, smiling brightly at me while he's at it.
"So tell me a bit about yourself," PJ says, leaning his elbows on the table. I tell him a bit about my hobbies, where I grew up and how my childhood was, and he in turn does the same. I learn that he's a YouTuber, he directs and acts in mini movies, and writes his own songs. I find myself starting to be even more interested in him. His eyes, voice, hands, and hair all mesmerize me. I could daydream all day about his voice reading or singing to me while we cuddle and I play with his long fingers. Daydream about kissing those soft looking lips of his. Kissing his Adam's apple. His collarbones. His-- "Bre, are you listening to me?" PJ asks, breaking me out of my fantasy.
"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm listening." I say, nodding quickly before taking a sip of my drink and burning my tongue in the process.
"So what do you say?" PJ asks, biting his lip. Why did he have to bite his lip?
"About what?" I ask, sliding the tip of my tongue on the roof of my mouth.
PJ scowls and says, "You weren't listening."
"I'm really sorry, PJ." I tell him, feeling bad. The past few minutes went from a really good daydream, to third degree burns on my tongue, to him getting ready to leave because he thinks I was ignoring him. The best thing to do in the predicament is be honest. At least a bit. I don't want him to get freaked out if I say, 'oh yeah, I wasn't listening because I was fantasizing about making out with you'. That wouldn't go over too well with him.
"I--I get distracted a bit easily," I stutter out. "Er....The way the light was hitting your eyes was really distracting."
PJ narrows his eyes at me and a crease forms between his eyebrows.
"Right," PJ says, looking perplexed. "I will just re-ask my question then. Do you want to go on a date with me?"
'Don't seem too eager,' I think. 'You'll scare him off. But don't play nonchalant because he'll think you're not interested.'
"That sounds wonderful!" I say, smiling. "When would you like to go?"
"Perhaps tonight?" PJ asks, his cheeks turning red as relief floods through his eyes. "Uh, there is this new restaurant around the block. And I, uh, thought we could go there. If you wanna exchange numbers and then you go home to change--No, that sounded like I'm saying you need to change clothes. That's not what I meant. It's just I know that girls take a while to get ready for a date and I thought you might want to do that. I'm rambling. Just shut the fuck up, Peej."
I stare at him, amused.
"No, I wanted to go home and get ready for the date anyways." I tell him, shrugging. "Where's your phone? I'll type in my number."
He hands me his phone and then my number is in his phone and his is soon in mine.
"You want me to come 'round your place and pick you up?" PJ asks, looking happy. "Or we meet here?"
"You can come pick me up if you want," I tell him, standing up with my bag and coffee. "I'll text you the directions later."
"I'll pick you up at six o'clock," PJ says, following me to the door.
"Six it is then, Mr. Peej." I tell him, smirking as I lean on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. I leave him standing there, looking stunned and touching the place where I kissed.

PJ Liguori (KickThePj) x Reader. REQUESTS CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now