PJ x Sharna (blueberriesofwisdom)

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Requested by: blueberriesofwisdom

The familiar sound of the bell above the game store's door jingles, making you smile slightly. You love the game store, not only because of the tons of games, but because there's a cute dude named PJ who works here. He's behind the counter now, reading a gaming magazine. He looks up when you come in and he grins, his green eyes lighting up when you look at him. You give a little wave and he returns it, his cheeks becoming a bright red. You can't help but let a small laugh escape and then make you over to the rack of newly released games. You glance up at the artwork that's hanging above the games and your eyes widen in surprise. That's the best looking Super Mario Brothers drawing you've ever seen. You glance at the corner of the drawing and see that PJ drew it himself. You then look over your shoulder at PJ and find his curly haired head bent over the magazine again. Lying to the left of him is his sketchbook and a bag of various drawing pencils. There are a couple of pencils placed on the sketchbook now. Your curiosity is piqued needless to say. You look at the games, noticing that there are other pieces of PJ's artwork up. Even some of the used games that don't have their original covers have been made by PJ. Why haven't I noticed any of this before? You think, frowning as you pick up a couple of games (the cover of one of the games is drawn by PJ, you're really buying it more or less for the cover).
You then make your way to the counter, catching PJ staring at you. He quickly looks away and blushes. He acts so shy. You set the games down on the counter and get your money ready. PJ clears his throat nervously and pushes his gaming magazine out of the way.
"I noticed that you drew those pictures over there," You comment casually while PJ rings the game up.
"I-I did," PJ stammers.
"They look wonderful," You say, grinning. "You're very talented."
"Thank you," PJ replies, his cheeks reddening from the compliment. "You have got good gaming choices, just so you know."
You laugh and tell him thank you. Suddenly PJ looks thoughtful and you wonder what's making him that way.
"Would you like me to draw something for you?" PJ asks after handing you your receipt as well as your games that are now bagged.
Your eyes widen and your mouth forms a little 'o'.
"Would you really?" You ask.
"Yeah, it would be my pleasure." He replies, grinning.
"That would be awesome!" You tell him. "As long as it isn't too much trouble."
"Not at all, don't worry." He says. "Like I told you, it'd be my pleasure. I'll have it done for you by tomorrow."
You run your free hand through your hair and giggle slightly. You think PJ is so cute and adorable.
"On second thought," PJ says, getting a serious look. You stomach drops and you instantly think he's retracting his offer to draw something for you. What did I do to make him regret offering? You think, feeling embarrassed.
"How about I draw you a quick sketch right now?" PJ says, his face breaking out into a grin so big you don't know how his face doesn't hurt from all the stretching.
"Yeah! If you have the time." You reply, feeling relief flood through you.
"Well, there's nobody else in here except you and me so I've got plenty of time," PJ replies, grabbing up his sketchbook and pencils. "I'm going back here while I sketch, I'll be back in ten minutes. Fifteen at the most."
You watch as PJ goes to the backroom of the store.
"But what am I supposed to do all that time?" You call after him, frowning.
"Find another game, I'll give you my employee discount. You'll get 75% off." PJ replies. 75% off? Did you hear him correctly? Surely he would lose his job if he let a customer use his employee discount. You feel guilty when you go over and start browsing the games again. You're not really planning on letting him give you his discount anyways, you're just looking to kill the time. The time passes slowly and eventually fifteen minutes but PJ still isn't out of the back. You contemplate calling his name to get his attention but that seems a little rude and too awkward. You've looked over half of the shelves, flipped through some gaming magazines, and he still hasn't come out. Suddenly the bell over the door jingles and you are sure he'll come out from the back, but he doesn't. The other person browses around for a couple of minutes and then leaves empty handed. Finally, after ages have passed, PJ comes out of the back, grinning and holding his pencils and sketchbook.
"That was a long fifteen minutes, man." You tell him jokingly.
"I know, I'm sorry, Sharna." He replies. "I wanted the picture to be perfect."
"How do you know my name?" You ask, narrowing your eyes at him.
"Your account that you have with us so you can get a certain discount," PJ points out.
"Oh, right, duh." You reply, laughing.
"And speaking of a discount, did you find another game?" PJ asks.
"No, I don't want to get you fired by giving customers your discount."
"Sharna, I'm the manager," PJ says, giving you a look that consists of a raised eyebrow and slightly scolding eyes. "Who's going to fire me?"
"I don't know, the owner of the store. Unless you're that too. Anyways, show me the drawing now please."
He opens the sketch book and turns it around for you to see. The first thing you notice is that he's sketched himself into the picture. The second thing you notice is the curly haired girl who looks vaguely like you. You're both sitting at a table that's candlelit with dinner for two laid out on it. In the background music notes are floating through the air, indicating music is playing. You look closer and see that there are hearts intermixed with the music notes.
"Does that mean it's romantic music or that love is in the air?" You ask, smiling.
"You decide," PJ replies, a sexy smirk on his face. "Maybe it's both."
"Hm, maybe," You say, looking up at him through your lashes. "Are you asking me out?"
"What do you think?" PJ asks, leaning closer until your faces are only inches apart. He's grown confident in the last hour, though his cheeks ate red tinged and he seems a little breathless.
"I think so," You reply, moving closer.
"And what's your answer?" He asks, his green eyes boring into yours.
"My answer is yes, of course." You say, leaning back and grinning. PJ grins and looks like he's about to explode from happiness.
"Meet me at this address here," PJ says writing down an address on a piece of paper. "At 5:00. And I'll write my mobile number down too."
After he finishes writing he hands you the paper and you both say your goodbyes. You leave the store, heading home. You're so excited you feel like hyperventilating. You've got a date with one of the cutest guys ever! It's time to plan your outfit for tomorrow tonight. You want everything to look perfect.

PJ Liguori (KickThePj) x Reader. REQUESTS CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now