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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"Damn, I'm about to piss you away Sweetie" I joked after again leaving the bathroom, walking into my room to change into the gown that Neve sent me.

"I get to see what you are cutie" I smiled with a hand on my stomach, far enough into the pregnancy to figure out the gender of our baby.

But I was wondering where Satoru was as I had left our room, Toji and Sukuna were the first to find me, Nanami tagging along.

"Hey relax, you're stressing me out with this speed walking" Nanami sighed.

"Aw our pregnant empress is stressing you out, how sad" Sukuna laughed as Nanami held my hand to slow down, the blond truly stressed out surprisingly.

"Here I'll slow down" I mocked as we turned the corner to see Satoru and Shoko waiting by the lounge room we were supposed to be in.

"Wow who knew my right hand could be so stressed" "says the one who cries whenever you have to do work cause your wife isn't there" Nanami shot back, the information pulling a grin to my lips.

"You cry over me?" I smiled "I always do, but that's not the point" he rolled his eyes, kissing my forehead before we went into the room, Shoko having me sit down so she could get started.

At first, it was just a little check-up, the woman asking me how I was feeling and asking Satoru if he noticed anything, but after those questions, she got started on the gender.

"Here, sip on this tea for me" "what's it for?" My husband asked as Shoko had her hands over my belly.

"Nothing, it's just good for blood flow and iron" She shrugged as I took a sip, tasting the bit of honey the woman had placed in it.

For a moment it was silent, even as Leo had walked in, all of us ready to hear the news.

And finally, a smile had cracked on the woman's face.

"She's a girl" Shoko smiled, the news making me cheer, always wanting a daughter, and it seemed like Satoru felt the same, cheering even more than I was, and any longer and I'm sure he would have done a flip.

"I knew I was gonna get a little Angel" Satoru spoke, hugging me, and just as we did, a light little flutter-type kick hit me, the two of us looking down.

"I guess she's excited too" "Mhm, you excited little Angel?" Satoru asked, now adding to the meaning of the nickname.

For the rest of that time, we all cheered and celebrated, and as custom, my family was all coming over for a quaint dinner party, which is usually where they'd bring gifts and stuff.

Pretty much everyone was gonna make sure this would stay an important moment, Satoru sending out letters and Leo sending one to Neve.

"She'll respond faster if it's me" "Sure, cause she'd "definitely" take her time responding to her pregnant best friend who helped save her life... okay Leo"

Of course, Leo rolled his eyes at me and mumbled something, I started to feel a little "peckish" ready to make another excursion to the kitchen despite getting a few sighs from my arrival.

"Hey slow down Angel" my husband had jogged over, and before even hitting a full stop the man had picked me up.

"I got something better for you" "Is it food? Cause our daughter's hungry" and for emphasis a gurgle came from my stomach.

"Well, it is, so no need to beat on me" "Since when have I ever hit you?" I rolled my eyes before pinching Satoru, getting the loudest gasp I ever heard from him.

Anyway, I saw Satoru taking me outside, the man walking through the garden for a moment, the red hot sun here in the demon realm burning warm.

But before I could question anything after Satoru had gone into the maze of the garden, he had made it to the center in no time, allowing me to see not only a nice plush area with food there but dead in the center were obsidian statues of Satoru and I.

"Once my princess arrives she'll be added to" he smiled, allowing me to get back onto my feet, walking up to the statues to see the details.

It was so surreal but fantastic, every feature was on there, which was shocking as I touched the replica of my face.

"It's beautiful" "I know, but not as beautiful as the real thing" The demon smiled before kissing me, a softer kiss than usual, but still an amazing one regardless.

Once we sat down with me stealing glances at the statue, we started to eat, all of my favorite food here on top of that.

"So you like the surprise?" Satoru asked as I took a sip of my water.

"Duh, you had an entire statue of obsidian made for me and you put together a picnic of my favorite foods, I thought I was obvious" "You are, I just wanted to ask" he shrugged with a goofy smile.

As my husband and I ate it seemed like time had slowed down, my heart warm with every bite and smile we shared.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 886

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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