059. doomsday

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    Can't Lose The Fight: New Hope Club

"Lois." I step out the elevator in cold sweat, still wearing the same clothes since Gotham.

"Chloe's missing with some beastie boy, and you're doing what exactly?" Lois turns to me.

"No one wants to find Chloe more than I do."

"Except maybe me. Brianna, ever since I got back from Gotham, I haven't slept in days, and I am dangerously close to a caffeine O.D."

"I'm sorry." I heave. "I'm so sorry, Lois." I cough inside my arm.

"I'm so sorry, Brianna. I didn't mean to snap at you like I just did. You've done so much for everyone, for all of us, the whole world and after what just happened, I just come in here and bite your head off. I-"

"I know, Lois. It's okay." I nod.

"What happened to you? Why are you back here so late?"

"My partner, Spider-Man, called me. I was New York for a while."

"Are you alright?" Lois examines me. "I don't know the pros and cons of radioactive spiders, but is anything broken? Can your bones break? Can you feel pain?"

"Yes, Lois. My bones can break and I can feel pain. I just heal faster than your average human."

"Chalk that up into the pro list."

"Listen, I'm gonna find, Chloe, okay?"

"How do you know where she is if we were both in Gotham the last four days?"

"Like I said, Lois. I'll always be there. Even when you think I'm not." I sniffle and she hugs me.

"I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you for this."

"You could do me a favor. I need you to publish a letter for me."

"What letter?" Lois questions and I take out a folded piece paper.

"You're not supposed to open it yet. Can I count on you to publish that letter if anything happens to me?" I hand it to her.

"Goodbye? What do you mean goodbye?" She opens it.

"Just incase I don't come back this time."

"But I thought you were invincible."

"So did I." I whisper. "But my heart attack made me rethink a lot of things, Lois. Made me see a lot of things."

"Brianna." Lois starts to tear up. "You just stopped Gotham from falling into shambles. You can't-"

"We all stopped Gotham from falling into shambles, Lois. And I can, and I have to. I'm tired of using my powers in secret. I was bitten by that spider for a reason. And I know what it is now. I was bitten by that spider because I'm meant to pick the world up and carry it until the very end. That's what I meant to do, Lois. Because with great power, comes great responsibility." My eyes water. "And I have a responsibility not only to you, but to Chloe. And to Clark. To Miles. To Jimmy. To Oliver. To Margo. To the whole world." I merely nod. "Which is why you're gonna let me do this. Because I know that you believe in me. I know that you know that I can do this. I know I should've told you who I was sooner, but after watching my friend Gwen fall from a clock tower back in New York, all I kept picturing was you. And Chloe. And Miles. And Selina. And Lana. And Oliver. And Margo. And Clark. So I shunned away, I shut it all out. I kept hiding, I only used my powers when it was convenient. But I'm not gonna do that anymore. I know who I am. I've always known. And this radioactive spider was the push I needed to finally break through." I nod. "God, I really wish you could've met Gwen." I shakily exhale and she pulls me into her before placing her hand on the back of my head.

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