Chapter 1

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I hate the year 2008. It's the year mom married tom. I haven't seen mom or tom in a year since I couldn't stand the constant amount of sex they had. My dad is super supportive, and tries to include my german heritage in my life. Tom is legit 2 years older than me, my mom has gone off her rocker.

My dad has recently been deported back to Norway, meaning I have to move in with my mom. I don't have a citizenship in Norway so I couldn't have moved with him. My mom lives in a super nice house in LA. My mom is Heidi Klum, German supermodel. A year and a half ago she married my step father Tom Kaulitz, world famous guitarist.
My mom hasn't tried to reach out to me, i think its because of the scene i made about visiting her. Trust me, you would not like to endure the amount of sex they had. They literally did it anywhere, even if i was in the living room they'd do it right where i could see it.

"Ella sweetie," My nanny comes into my room.
"Hi! im almost done packing, you should probably call mom to come and get me." i smile at Marie. I neatly fold my shirts into their respective boxes. My dad and I live in Venice, Los Angeles along the waterfront, well not anymore.

I scan my room to see if i left anything, seeing a shelf that i haven't touched in years. There was still stuff i need to pack on it. I walk up to the shelf, mentallly preparing myself for what i was about to see. I grab the photo frame on the shelve to see its a photo from my moms wedding.
It was a "Family" photo she forced me to take with tom, bill, and her.
I open the window of my room and throw the picture out the window.
"Ella?? Are you alright? what was the crashing noise" Maria came in.

"Don't worry about it" I smile at her. I tape up my boxes, while i get a call from my mom. I let it ring, i was not in the mood to talk to her. Especially how she didn't sign off on my Norwegian citizenship. I Bring my boxes out the garage as i sigh. I can't believe the house i've lived in for my whole life is being taken away from me just like that. When i talked to my dad he said that he'd leave the house in my trust fund till i graduated college.

"Ella, your mom just called and said that she wouldn't be able to pick you up, so shes having someone sent to the house." Maria yells from downstairs. I let out a loud sigh as memories from my childhood start flooding in. Tears form in my eyes. Not being around my dad has made me depressed. I pull out my flip phone dialing my dad.

"Dad?" I cry. "Hi sweetie, is your mom on her way" he asks concerned.
"Shes not coming at all daddy" i cry. "What do you mean shes not coming" he raises his voice a little. "Am i not good enough? Does she not love me?" i sob. I definitely have abandonment issues. I used to have a happy family, now its been broken. I've barely seen my mom in the past year or more. I'm 16 years old and ive mainly depended on my dad my whole life. I hang up the phone, watching the all black Escalade pull up. He pops the trunk and gets out. I start moving the boxes to the back of the car.
His face was covered and he was in very baggy clothes. Almost as if he was trying to hide who he was from me...

Author Note:
This is my first story!!!
Anyway, this story is sad at the beginning so it can like show their relationship develop. But honestly it's not my favorite cause I have a weird writing schedule (11pm-3am PST). BUT LIKE I ALSO LOVE WRITING. Please cut me some slack if it doesn't make a lot of sense!!
Love you all!

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