Chapter 26

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This chapter contains heavy topics!

"Hopefully Tom realizes his dumbass mistake and comes back here" Bill says sighing, "I have no idea why he is acting so tough when I was sobbing about you and the babies leaving".

"Why the fuck would he cheat on me in the first place." I say angrily.

Dario grabs my shoulder and tries to calm me down, "Hes not worth all this trouble".

"And you are?!" I snap, making my babies cry. "Fuck Dario I'm so sorry." I sigh.

I hold Kent bouncing him. "Shh, Shh, Shh." I shush the baby to calm him down. Bill does the same calming Lia.

"Kiva! Komm Hier!" I hear a loud voice boom from behind us. I hear my dog scurrying up to me. I crouch down with Kent as he cried, holding my dog tightly. Tom and Ria run up to us.

"Give my boyfriend his dog back." Ria stomps. Ohhh I still had my glasses as hat on. I switch kent over to my left arm.

"Give me my dog." Tom says as I hear Bill laugh behind me.

"How do you not notice your own fucking kids... Weird how your dogs can but you cant." I scoff. I shooting pain goes through my right cheek. Ria just fucking slapped me while Kent was in my arms. I turn around handing my son to Dario as he started to cry.

"Theres no fucking way." I yell, "How dare you hit me while my son is in my arms!".

Anger fueled through me as I took my hat and sunglasses off, glaring at her.

"Tom heres your choice, Me and our kids or Ria. Not both." I scoff.

He sighs looking at Ria.

"Tom Kaulitz-Trümper I swear to god if you dont pick Ella I am never talking to you again." Bill scoffs. Tom grabs the dog from Ria as they walk away.

Tears ran down my face as Tom left with Ria. I was beyond upset. I walked quickly after Tom, spinning him around with his shoulder as I slapped him in the face. 

I walk back to Bill, Dario, my kids, and my dog.
I really was ruined, Tom ruined me.

"I can drive you both home..." Bill says while a tear slipped down his face. I really couldn't bear this life, this one moment in time just brought up emotions that I have been able to bury.

I got out of the car sobbing while I held my twins. Dario hugged me goodbye with a sorrowful look in his eyes.

-3 hours later-

The clock was going so slow, everything was fuzzy. I was living in my own as I drank my sorrows away. I pick up my phone dialing Bill.

Laughs erupt from my chest as he answers. "Come have Tom pick the twins up" I laugh as I try not to slur my words.

He hangs up as I look through my grandmas medicine cabinet, I should've done this years ago. I grab the bottle of oxycodone as I down a few pills dry.

Oh my god, what have I done?? I sob trying to throw up the pills I just swallowed. A knock at the door can be heard as I run downstairs. I open it to find Tom.

"Tom, help me." I sob to him.

"Whats going on?? Are the kids okay?" He asks me.

"Tom don't get mad Im a little drunk and I just swallowed some pills," I say while my body gets hit with a huge wave of slow-motion. I felt my breathing slow down as I felt Tom pick me up to find a bathroom.
He shoves his fingers far down my throat getting me to throw up everything I ate that day. My vision started blurring in and out, my hands became clammy, and tears streamed down my face.

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