Chapter 4

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After a few minutes of zoning out in the car we pulled into a driveway. Bill wanted to stay in the car because he was "too tired" to look at dogs today.
Tom and I got out of the car and knocked on the door.
"Hello!" The breeder says to us in her cherry-upbeat voice.
"Hi can we take a look at some of your puppies you have for sale?" I smile.
"Yes, follow me!" she smiles.

She takes Tom and I to a litter of chihuahua puppies. I look at Tom as he gives me a "different dog" type of look.
"Maybe can we look at some of your bigger dogs?" I ask politely.
"Sorry, it's just usually girls want small dogs." she smiles
"Oh, um. No worries" I trip over my words.

She leads us to the new litter of German Shorthair Pointer puppies. I crouch down with Tom to see two puppies laying with each other, not playing around with the others.
I look up to the breeder, "How old?" Tom asks.
"5 weeks" she says.

I look at Tom, he looks totally in love with the puppies.
"Tom, we might as well take them both, we cant separate siblings" i softly smile.
I write the lady a check from my bank account. I had very little money leftover from what my dad gave me, might as well spend it.

I pick up my puppy as Tom picks up his. The lady sat us down in a room while she gathered adoption papers, leashes, food, toys, and told us our puppies genders.
The lady finally sits down handing us our puppies bags with all their stuff inside.
She also gave us two crates for our dogs.

Tom and I sat our dogs inside the crates as the lady walked us through the adoption papers. "So, please put both your names, the dog's names, your occupations, and current addresses on both of these papers." she says to us.

"wait, both of our names on each paper?" I ask
"Yes, you both will be legally adopting these two dogs" she responds.
I fill out my dog's paperwork, getting stumped on her name.
Tom passes me his dog's paperwork as i pass him mine, and I sign my name on it. For some reason it had to be two people. Then it finally hit me.

"Tom pass me her papers" I say. Tom slides the paperwork over to me as I sign my dog's name. "Kiva" I whisper to myself. I hand my dog's paperwork to the lady. She prints copies of the paperworks and she puts the papers in a sheet. "Congratulations Tom and Ella, you're now proud parents to Kiva and Capper." she smiles at us.

I pick up Kivas bag of stuff, her carrier, and my extra paperwork copy.
I look over at Tom who has the biggest smile on his face.
The lady leads us to the door, opening it for us.

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