Chapter 23

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Tom and I walk into my building.

"Fair warning Tom, my roommate is actually obsessed with you and has convinced me you're dating, so please Tom tell her to fuck off." I tell him holding back my laugh.

"For all I care you're the only one I'm dating." He smiles opening my dorm. I walk in before him grabbing the suitcase I had under my bed. I start throwing clothes and shoes in there.

Tom sat on my bed awkwardly as Julia stared into his soul. I zipped up my suitcase akwardly staring at julia.

I walk over to her collage wall ripping the horribly photoshopped photo off the wall as I put it into my pocket. "Something to remember you by." I smile as I rubbed my stomach. Tom came up behind me hugging me while holding my belly.

I pull away grabbing my suitcase and exiting the room. Tom and I exit the dormitories before we get stopped by the headmaster.

"I'm going to call the cops! Your father restricted him off of this property." she shrieks at us.

"This is my babydaddy. So its a stupid reason to call the cops." I laugh at her.

Tom pulls my hand closer to his bus. Opening the door and having me go inside. I walked into the bedroom and laied down with the dogs while Tom talked to the headmistress.

Tom eventually came in and told the driver where to go as he shut the lights off.

He took his shirt off as I did the same. Only sleeping in my tanktop and underwear.

Tom hopped into the bed with me and dogs.
He put his face to my stomach, talking to the baby.
"Tom, why'd you just accept the pregnancy so fast?" I asked him.

"I knew that you were pregnant, your parents came over to get your clothes and I heard your mom talking about your pregnancy. Bill and them didnt even know." he looks up smiling.

"Were you mad at first??" I ask curiously.

"I was shocked at first but like, I really needed to see you again to be sure." he sighs.

I yawn, I was exhausted. It was a long day and I really wanted it to be tomorrow so I can finally see my baby.


My eyes open to the sound of the bus starting up as Tom is in his little shoe cupboard. Tom has this weird organizing system he has going on, but at least he's obsessively clean. The time was 6:45 in the morning, and the appointment was at 7:10.

I get out of bed grabbing my stomach as i stretched. Pregnancy was draining me, even if I did something so simple.

I walked over to suitcase to see it had already been unpacked. I look around for my clothing, wondering where Tom may have put it. I saw Toms silhouette in the closet. I slowly walked over there, sliding the door and revealing some of my clothes.

My feet dragged me into the closet over to my sweats and hoodie set. Tom pulls me back as he leans his head down on my shoulder as he held my stomach. He kissed my cheek as he started getting dressed. I threw on my grey sweats and grey hoodie, as I walked to the bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth.

"Mein Liebling, were almost at the obgyn" He says smiling at me. I slide on my chunky sandals as I kissed the top of the dogs head.

We waited in the parking lot for a few before the rest of the band got there.

I exited the bus behind Tom as we walked into the waiting room. After a few minutes a cheery Bill walks through the door with a grumpy Georg and gustav. "Appointment for Kaulitz?" Someone calls for us.

She leads us back to a room where she hands me a urine cup to pee in.

I do my buisness and I come back handing her the cup. "How far along are you?" she asks me.

"I honestly have no idea this is my first appointment. But I have been taking supplements." I smile at her.

The ultrasound technician lead me to the chair where she had me pull my sweatshirt up over my stomach and had me pull down the waistband of my pants a little. "So dad, are you excited?" The Technician asks Gustav.

"He's the father" I say pointing to Tom.

The lady applies the gel onto my stomach as Tom and Bill sit next to me.

"So before we get started I wanted to ask if either one of you guys had twins or triplets that ran in your family." She asks Tom and I.

"Yeah, This is my twin" Tom laughs pointing to Bill. She puts the device on my stomach as Tom held my hand. She searched around finding the baby. I watched Toms face as he heard the heartbeat, his pupils dilated as it looked like his eyes were glossy.
She Flips the screen to us. "This is your baby now if you can see the arms, head, legs, oh-?" She pauses as something else came on the screen. Tears were falling down my face as I saw our baby for the first time.

"It looks like you're pregnant with twins! Would you like to know the sex?" She smiles widely.
Everyone sat in silence for a moment. Tom nodded to the lady to reveal the sex as I froze in shock.
"Congratulations Mama! Looks like you're having a girl and a boy." She smiles widely at us.

"Is there anyway we can find out the due date?" Bill asks curiously.

"She seems to be around 35 weeks so due around April 2nd." she says wiping the gel off my stomach. I stand up wiping the tears off my face as I get pulled into a hug by Bill as Georg and Gustav high five Tom.

I pull away from Bill smiling at him, as I walk over to Tom hugging him tightly. "Are you surprised about twins?" I asked Bill.

"Tom and I had a feeling" he smirked at me.

-Timeskip to April 5th-

I yelp as I wake up from the dogs jumping on the bed. I'm a fucking whale I cant even get off the bed. "Are you okay?! Are you going into labor?" Tom and Bill ask in sync as they burst through the door. Everyone has been on edge lately. I'm past my due date and we had to drive 11 hours yesterday to Barcelona from Geneva.

"No, what?" I laugh at them. I struggle to sit up, honestly I wish I was pregnant with only one baby. We met up simone when we were in Germany and she has been such a blessing this past month. If the first few months were bad it didn't compare to my amount of hormones this month. I haven't been to one of their concerts fully, I've either been too tired or i've been having Braxton hicks.

Tom chuckled a little as he watched me struggle to get out of the bed. He walked over giving me his hand to grab on to. "Fuck you Tom and fuck your genetics." I scoff at him.

"Sassy much?" he laughs a little.

"You did this to me! Don't even." I say using my finger to annunciate the fact im pregnant.


Authors Note:
Lots of Timeskips soon, I need weed.
Im fiening. Im tired. Im going insane.

03/03/24   11:06PM


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