Chapter 6

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Warning! This chapter is very dark and talks about suicide. Please read at your own risk!
"Come here puppies" someone whispers as I feel myself getting lifted up. I stir in my sleep. I moan a little bit because I've been awaken, my eyes suddenly get heavy again. I still remain conscious, my eyes just wont open. I suddenly feel a blast of warm air hit me as they kept walking. I hear a door open as I get set down on my bed. I feel the puppies get placed by me. They put my blankets over me to insure me I sleep well. The puppies start whining as the person leaves. "babies?" I ask slowly opening my eyes. I adjust my body to be able to see my dogs. They were whining at the figure in the door. My eyes focus on his dreads and baggy pants. My eyes get heavier and heavier as I drift to sleep.

My vision opens to see a man on top of me panting as I feel my body jolting with every movement he makes. I see the sweat pooling on his forehead. He pulls out of me and Another men enters himself into me. My cries can be heard throughout the room. My body went numb as he pounded into me, I suddenly couldn't feel any emotion as my body shut down. The man that was on top of me pulled out as another harshly thrusted himself into me, he was slow at first. Everything hurt, I couldn't feel anything at the same time. He started pounding into my pure, innocent body with quick and harsh movements. With one last thrust he made sure to go extra hard and extra deep. The loudest scream in the world came out of the mouth.

I lunge forward as I find myself screaming at the top of the world, tears streaming down my face. I throw myself out of bed as I throw up into the toilet. Anything I had ate that day went straight down the toilet. I sat back as my sobs became louder and my breathing rapidly increased. I felt my chest pounding, it was getting hard to breathe, it felt like my world was closing in.

I quickly reach into my cupboard grabbing a razor blade, I look at my wrists, scattered with scars. My world felt like it was going in slow motion as I stared cutting my wrists, slow and deep. I started watching the blood pool out of the fresh wounds. I couldn't stop. My vision started blurring as I watched the blood drip down my wrists. My breathing becoming slower and slower as my world started spinning. 6 cuts on each arm were slowly creating a bloodbath under me. My vision goes black as I hit my head on the cold marble floor. Before I went unconscious I could hear pounding on my bathroom door and the loud whining of dogs. Everything goes numb.

The sirens around me were loud as I saw Tom covered in blood with Bill next to him. "Ella sweetie, everything's gonna be okay." I heard my mom say. My vision started blurring in and out as everything was blurred. "Mommy" I cry. Stop screaming he said strangling me. Holding my throat as I tried to let out one scream.

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