Chapter 10

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I smile at Tom as I watch our dogs play together.

I started wondering why Tom didn't invite Bill or Gustav or Georg.
Tom was honestly really sweet, I had no idea why the public thought he had this whole "playboy" act. He was literally married to my mother.
I look over at Tom to find him zoned out.
"Whats wrong Tom?" I ask him rubbing his arm.
"I think I might divorce your mom." he says looking at the cityscape behind the dog park.

"Oh, why?" I say. I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda happy, but I felt bad for my mom.
"I'm only 19, and my life is only beginning, I don't want to be tied down like this. I want to be able to fuck groupies on tour." he sighs.
I laugh a little at his sentence, starting to get sad about how he will be moving out if he did. Our dogs would probably go with him, thats just how my mom is.
"Yeah, you're barely an adult, like live it up if you know what I mean" I suggest.
"I'll be right back, im gonna call my lawyer, so he can get the papers printed." he smiles.

Overthinking is an amazing trait of mine, I'll miss Tom and Bill for sure. I just don't know why my mind is digging so far. My eyes wander over to Tom as I watch him pace back and forth, he looked stressed.
This was all so sudden, did my mom do something to him? I don't think I'll be able to stand my mom when the twins are gone.

I look back at Tom to see him walking over, his walk was angry-ish. "Tom why are you wanting this marriage to be over so soon? What happened Tom?" I bombarded him with questions.

"I don't know, I just want to" he says flatly.

"Tom, you can trust me" I say softly, looking at him clenching his fists. "Tom, please I cant stand my mom without you there please-" I start, he cuts me off.

"I walked in on Heidi and Anders having sex a few weeks ago, and it hasn't stopped." he bites out.

"What the fuck?!" I say kinda loud, "Where have you been sleeping?".

"In your bed" he says quietly, blush arising to his cheeks.

"Oh! I've been trying to get emancipated so I can access the money my grandfather left me in his will. I'm trying to move out asap" I sigh.
Why the fuck did I just tell him that, am I trying to suggest to him that I want to move in with him?
I mean, I don't want him to leave he makes the house not boring, he's so funny-
Wait why am I saying this?

"Oh, I mean you could always move in with the band and I, we have plenty of spare rooms." he smiles extending the offer.

"Really? I mean thats really kind of you. I don't think I can take it though, I don't want to intrude..." I sigh.

"My lawyer said we can get the divorce finalized as soon as your birthday, so if you want to move out then it would be fine." he says.

"My birthday is in 2 days, Tom thats so soon." I say.

"Most of your things are still in its boxes, I mean i've been sleeping in your room while you were gone." he chuckles.

"I'll have to check in with my mom and dad, im sure they wouldn't mind" I smile.

"Or we could do it so nobody knows." he smiles, caressing my thigh with his hand.

"I guess, rip it off like a bandaid so they have no say." I suggest.

"I don't think your parents would like it if you moved in with your mom's ex husband." he laughs.

"You're barely 19, thats like freaky to think about" I laugh a little hitting his arm lightly.
I look at Tom noticing things about the way he interacts with me. The scar on his cheek and the scar on his eyebrow. His honey brown eyes, the way they glisten in golden hour. The way his dreads moved when he talked.

"Yeah, I don't know why I jumped into a marriage, I guess I just wanted to be validated by older woman." He smiles.

I watched his eyes scrunch up as he smiled, and the way he lifted his eyebrows when he talked.
I just smiled at him, looking at our surroundings.
The sun was setting, the beautiful colors in the sky started to fade in.
"Can we get closer to the edge of the hill? I want to watch the sunset," I turn to him smiling.
Tom was fidgeting with his lip piercing, he was moving his hand up and down my thigh.

I stand up as he calls the dogs over. I reach into my pocket for the leash, it wasn't there. "Tom-" I start, slowly turning towards him.
I look at Tom standing there proudly in his yankees cap holding up two leashes for our dogs. I pull his hat down in a jokingly way as I take the leash from him. I pulls his cap back up as he has a huge smile on his face.

Kiva and Capper run up to us, Tom hooks capper into his leash as Kiva jumps on me eagerly. I hook her in as we walk closer to the edge of the hill.
I make Kiva lay down on the grass next to me as I sat criss cross.
I admired the sunset, it was beautiful.
I looked at Tom, he was staring at me smiling.
"You know you look beautiful in this lighting" he smirks at me.

"Really?" I smile, "Thank you".

He nods. "We should get heading home, it's almost dark." he suggests.

"Okay," I say standing up, brushing the grass off my bare legs. I was wearing a beige pair of shorts, with an
off the shoulder long-sleeved black shirt.

"Is it alright if I sleep in your room tonight?" Tom asks shyly.

"Yeah, thats fine" I smile at him.
Authors Note:
idk why but im literally on the grind rn 😝

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