Chapter 5

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As soon as the lady shut the door, Tom and I started our walk down the long driveway.
"look at our babies Tom, aren't they cute" I smirk at him. He chuckles at my joke. Legally these dogs were the both of ours, but we each have our own. Kiva starts to whine, which makes capper start to whine too. "It's okay baby we'll be in the car soon," I say as we approach bills car.
Bill rolls down the window as he smirks.

"Bill meet your new niece and nephew" Tom laughs.
I take Kiva out of her crate so I could hold her during the car ride.
"Capper und Kiva, meine babys" I say to Bill

"Nein, Capper gehört mir" Tom retorts. "Rechtlich nicht" I laugh.
"Wait so you both adopted each dog" Bill asks.

"Yeah, for some reason the lady had us" I laugh. I hold kiva in my arms,
shes my little baby.

"Tom, why would you buy a dog if you know we have a tour coming up?" Bill asks him.
"Because Ella insisted" he says, "I'd do anything for my daughter" he smirks at me.
"Okay Tom, fuck you. How many times do I have to say that you aren't my father and you will never be" I glare, "We were getting along just fine till you ran your fucking mouth. Not to mention 'dads' would never continue jerking off while their 'daughters' were watching".

The car went silent. My eyes drift to the trees passing by as I repeatedly pet my dog.
We pulled into the driveway where my mother was awaiting us.

"Tommy baby!" my mom shrieked. She ran up to Tom violently making out with him while ignoring me. I walk inside with all of my dog's things, introducing her to my room.

I heard sloppy kissing and a door slam above me.
Wheres Capper? Im praying that Tom didn't bring him up there. I leave Kiva on my bed as I start searching the house for Capper. I thought I searched hard until I hear whining. "Awww, Liebe.." I say to Capper as I find him with all of his belongings at the front door. I pick him out of his crate as I take him to my room.

The dogs probably need to use the restroom. I walk past the stairs to hear my mother's obnoxiously loud moans. I seriously cannot do this today, especially without my dad not with me.
As soon as I enter my room Kiva is waiting for me at the door. I set Capper down with Kiva and they start jumping around with each other.

"Come to mommy babies." I say to the dogs as I pat my knees. They immediately come scurrying over to me. I pick them up and take them outside letting them do their business. They were only very little so they didn't really have the motivation to walk around.

I hear my mom let out the loudest pornstar moan in the history of the world. "Oh my lord" I mutter. I took the puppies down the lawn as far away as possible to the house.
I laid down on the grass and the puppies started jumping on me.
I couldn't stop laughing, they were the cutest. The shade was perfect for me and the dogs, I lay back down and rest my eyes. Both of the puppies lying on my stomach.

I must've drifted off, I look at my surroundings noticing the sky was purple. It must be sunset, the puppies were snuggled together right next to me.
I shifted my body to where I was facing the puppies and I close my eyes. I wanted to enjoy the moment.

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