Chapter 15

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I walk up to the driveway of the house seeing a car that I haven't recognized sitting in front of it. I brush It off walking inside of the house. I set my coffee down on the bench as I took the leashes off the dogs. I walk to the kitchen with my coffee as I hear someone purposely clearing their throat.

I look in the living room to see my parents staring at me with a disappointed look on their face. My heart dropped as I looked around the room for anyone else. Tom was on the couch across from my parents, I could only see the back of his head. I slowly walked to the living room, dreading the talk that was about to occur.

"Take a seat young lady" my dad said with a straight face. I sat down on the couch next to Tom. I look over to him to see his neck scoured with hickeys. I groaned as I put my hand on my face. If the tabloids didn't make it obvious, our necks definitely would.

I looked into my lap, avoiding eye contact with everybody.I heard the sound of paper ruffling as my mom pulled out the tabloid.

"Care to explain?" my mom says as she holds her small stomach.
I stay silent, not saying anything. I knew my parents would be ashamed of me, all of this added on-top of me leaving abruptly.

"I don't know where to start" my dad laughs manically, "First of all, you run away from your mom's house with her ex-fucking-husband". I crane my head to look at Tom to find him already staring at me. "And not even worst of all, you're smoking pot in front of lots of people. Including the paparazzi" he starts raising his voice,

"Now you're having sex with your mom's ex-husband?! You have no idea how fucking disappointed I am in you". My dad was yelling at this point, I felt the tears well in my eyes.
"Theres no way you guys should be yelling at me right now about my sexual relations with Tom." I bite back.

I point to my mom "You literally cheated on Tom with dad. While he still lived with you, and now you're fucking pregnant." I say. "You should be glad Tom didn't leave your ass sooner" I say, tears streaming down my face.

"Heidi, can't you let your daughter have fun for one fucking night?!" Tom says, "She turned 17 yesterday, and we celebrated by throwing her a party". Tom glared at her. "We were still married and you got knocked up by your ex husband. You fucked him every single night" He yells wiping his forehead. "Even Bill got fed up because I was keeping up with your shit" Tom starts getting even more mad. "I felt guilt every single day about Ella trying to commit, I visited her every single day and you didn't even look back." He stands up and walks toward mom.

Tom sighed loudly before stomping upstairs. "Get the fuck out" I bit out making direct eye contact with my parents. They slowly got up, time slowed down every second. I felt like they were taking too slow and I was getting more and more agitated by the moment. "Get the fuck out!" I scream one last time before they scurried out the door. I watched their car pull out of the driveway. I frantically run upstairs to check on Tom. I knock on the door to the room to hear sobbing.

"Come in" I hear Bill say from inside.
I walk inside the room to find Tom sobbing in Bills arms. I admired how close they were, they depended on each other.

"That felt so good to get off my chest" Tom said, wiping his tears. I walk over to him, hugging him. He hugged me back tightly. I bet my mom really took a toll on his health, I feel so bad. He stayed with her even though she was cheating. Tom is really a good man, inside and out.

Authors Note:
My left pointer,ring,and pinky finger are numb from guitar.
This chapter is really really short, cause I had no fucking idea what to write 😭.
BUT NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE BETTER, TRUST. There will be a timeskip, but this story was gonna go nowhere with how slow it was.
Also please take it easy on me I'm not a professional writer, I'm just a student trying to get through high school.
Love you all! Thank you for reading.  ❤️❤️

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