Chapter 25

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My stomach still had a bump to it, obviously. I had my babies 2 weeks ago, which meant two weeks of no sleep. Every single night Tom and I wake up to them screaming.

We were back in LA because the tour ended a week ago. For some reason the paparazzi still haven't had any photos of my super pregnant belly, and me walking out of the hostpital with two babies. It was weird how Tom was barely home, he was usually out at events and it was really throwing me off.

-2 Months Later-

Tears ran down my face as I looked at the TMZ article. 'Tom Kaulitz kissing Chantelle Paige' the heading read. The photos the paparazzi took were killing me slowly. Every single day Tom was barely home, having me raise my kids alone. I finally got my figure back, my kids finally stopped crying at night. He promised to be here for me, buy instead he was with some blonde skank.

I knew he had friends that were girls, like Ria. But I never knew he would go this far to hurt us like this. I sob, grabbing my phone to call my grandparents.
"Hola abuela" I sniffle, "¿Puedo quedarme con vosotros un rato?".

"Por supuesto cariño, ¿qué pasa?" My Grandma asks.

"Nada abuela, estaré allí pronto." I sigh.
I open my laptop booking tickets to madrid, It probably isn't healthy just to leave cause your boyfriend is cheating on you but i've got to get away.
I mean I am bringing his kids with me, so I have to at least tell Bill what is going on.

I walk to my closet, throwing every clothe item I could find into my suitcases. I don't care if it takes 5 bags im not planning on being back anytime soon. I go to the bathroom, packing a backpack filled wth baby clothes, my pumps, diapers, wipes, and makeup. I grab the babies carseats from the car, and I grab their stroller.

I call the taxi, as I put everything but the front door. I strap my Kids into their carseats as I hand them their pacys. I quickly run upstairs to bills room.
"Bill! I'm leaving with the twins. Tell Tom." I sigh.

I Watch the taxi pull up, I grab everything putting it in the backseat. I booked the next flight, I needed to get out of here asap. As I was loading everything into the car paparazzi showed up, taking photos of me loading the taxi. The babies were in the car, thank god. I sigh, closing the trunk as Toms escalade pulls up. I quickly Hop into the backseat with kids as I see Tom running up to us.

After a quick drive we made it to the airport. I got my 3 month old twins through TSA and to the gate. Now that I think about the whole situation with Tom im wondering what him and Rias relationship is actually. Cause they are very... Touchy. I feel tears run down my face as we board.

-17h later-

The flight drained me, the twins didn't cry much which was a literal blessing. We took a quick cab to my grandparents house.

"Hello Darling!" my grandmother exclaims "You're 18! How is your dad?".

I smile at her as I grab the twins in their carseats.
"Oh my god are these your new siblings?" She smiles big.

"No, they are mine" I smile. I watch my grandmas face drop. I hand the twins to my grandma as I grab my suitcases to put inside her house.

I watched my chubby cheeked babies laugh with my grandma as I finished putting the suitcases in the house. I step down the stairs of the house, heading to the sidewalk. I suddenly get hit with the force to the side of me. "Scheiße!" I yell. The twins start crying loudly, Fuck.

"Lo Siento," the man says, picking up his skateboard.

"Oh Dario! Be careful my great grandchildren are right here" My Grandma calls out beside us. I quickly stand brushing my pants off.

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