Chapter 11

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We walked next together in silence as we headed home.
The street lights illuminating the dark road ahead of us as we approached Moms house.

"Tom!" I hear my mom yell as we enter the gates. "How the hell could you divorce me?!" shes practically screaming.
"I'm pregnant Tom why the fuck would you do this to me" she cries.

I look at Tom as he looks at me. "It isn't mine, I haven't had sex with her since you went to the hospital." he says flatly.
I walk into my room with my dogs, ignoring my mom's yells. I unleash the dogs as they jump onto my bed.

"Tom why the fuck are you leaving me cause I know damn well i'm the best you've ever had!" I hear her yells.

"You cheated on me, plus I found someone better." He yells at her.

I plugged my headphones into my iPod as I tried to drown out the screaming of my mother. What did he mean he found somebody better?
Tom walked into my room shutting the door. He looked out of breath, he leaned back on my doors as he tried to calm himself.
I take my headphones off and I shut off my iPod.
"Hey-" I start as I get cut off by him.

"Wanna leave tonight?" he smirks. I eagerly nod my head.

"How are we gonna get everything out of mom's room?" I ask him.

"Your mom never liked sharing a closet with me, so all of my stuff is down here anyway." he shrugged.

"Your guitar?" I ask

"At the studio, all of my important stuff is down here in your room, like watches and hats." he shrugs.

"I don't really have to pack anything, so I guess we have to find boxes..." I say as I go into a deep train of thought.

"Theres still boxes in the garage from when I moved in here, most of my main stuff is at the bands house, just my clothes and stuff are here." he says.

"I'll grab the boxes from the garage I guess," I start. "I wouldn't want to go back out there If I were you." I say smiling at Tom empathetically. He nods as he falls back on my bed, I sit beside him as I flip the tv to a random channel. Nick at Night was playing Fresh Prince of Bel Air, so I put that on.
Tom and I sat in silence watching tv with our dogs. The dogs were asleep, me and Tom were waiting for it to get late enough to start packing his stuff.

"Do you want me to pack up your closet? I'm pretty organized, I thought that you would've wanted to deal with your shoes and hats." I ask smiling at him.

"Yeah, I'll put your boxes back into the car" he says.
I hoped it wouldn't be too loud, my mom was a light sleeper.
The lights shut off around us as I heard my mom angrily walk up the stairs.

"I know this is random but-" Tom starts, "Why did you hurt yourself that night?".

"Oh um.." I trail off. Tom needed some sort of explanation, I felt horrible for that day.
"I have reoccurring nightmares that feel a little too real." I sigh.

"Why-" he asks.

"Like a year or so ago, I went out with a group of friends and I got like-" I pause.
"-Kidnapped, per se." I say, "But I went unconscious and I woke up to them rape-".
I stop what im saying as I look up to the ceiling trying to blink back the tears, it was a rough topic to touch on.

"Hey, you don't have to continue," he says empathetically as he starts rubbing my back.

"No, its okay-" I say. "I woke up and they were each taking turns raping me." I say as tears run down my face silently.

"Im so sorry." he says. I look over at Tom to see him already looking at me.

"Thank you for listening." I sigh.
I stand up quickly as I walk to my door.
"We should probably start packing." i say walking out the door.

I walked down to the garage to grab boxes. I grab the boxes and walk back to my room so Tom can show me his closet.

"Wheres your closet??" I whisper to Tom.
He leads me down the hallway and into this giant-ish walk in closet.
I start with his pants, neatly packing them.
Moving onto his shirts and jackets, I clear out most of his closet.

It took a while but I was finally on the last part of his closet. His headbands, bandanas, underwear, and socks.
I kinda just threw them in the box, I was so done packing his closet.
Someone lightly knocks on the door.
I turn around to see its Tom, with beads of sweat on his forehead.
"I've finished packing the car-" he says, "With all of your stuff from your room, and my hats and shoes".

"Okay, do you mind taking these boxes out to the car? I need to grab the dogs foods, bowls and stuff." I say smiling.

"Taken care of." he smirks.

"Okay, then let me doublecheck my room for my makeup and stuff." I smile.

"All of your stuff is in your purse, like your I pod, phone and makeup." he says as he plays with his lip ring.
"I tried to put your everyday stuff in your purse so I wouldn't forget to grab them" he smiles.

"The dogs?" I ask him.

"In their crates in the escalade." he smiles.

Tom was really on-top of things, which surprised me.
I walked to my room to double-check.

I open the door, looking in.
"Damn it really is empty" I say as I turn to Tom.

We walk back to his closet as I grab some boxes to take out to the car.
I set them on the floor next to the trunk, I didn't want to mess with Tom's organizing.
I walk back to the closet to grab the rest of the boxes, trying to be as silent as possible.
I grab the boxes taking them back to toms escalade in the garage.
I set the boxes down.

"I'm going to go shut off the lights, I'll be right back" I say to Tom.
I walk back inside for the millionth time, turning off the closet lights.
Everything else was turned off so I head back to the garage.

As soon as I enter the garage Tom is done packing the car.
"Ugh I'm exhausted" I sigh.

"We did a good job" Tom whispers as he pulled me into a hug.

"How bad is the traffic to the house?" I ask.

"It should be bad, but definitely not as bad as it usually is." Tom chuckles.

I pull away from the hug kissing his cheek.

I walked over to the passenger side of the car as I hopped in the car.
Tom didn't get in right away, I don't know what was taking him so long.
The time was 11:30PM, which wasn't even that late.

Tom ran back out to the car.
"What happened??" I ask.

"I had to sneak into your mom's room to grab my special condoms I get from germany." he laughs.

"Oh! Couldn't you have grabbed new ones?" I ask him.

"We go to back to germany only a few times per year, so.." he shrugs.
He presses the garage door clicker. making it open.

"It's so loud oh my god" I laugh.

He chuckles at my comment, as he pulled out of the driveway closing it on the way out. He opens the gate and we were on our way to the house.
"The drive is gonna be a while so if you wanted to sleep you can" he says softly.
I bring my legs up to the seat as I lean against the door, slowly but surely, I fell asleep.

Authors Note:
Okay, this chapter is a little all over the place, but im trying to get the actual plot to kind of start.
My head is like bursting with ideas for this story, and I might change the name idk.
BUT I wrote this whole chapter today because I needed to or else I would probably never have motivation to write for a while.
Also im very glad that my chapters are getting longer cause short chapters kinda irritate me 😬😬

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