CH. 3 Confrontation and Compromise 🔪🔪

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Smoke and fire were everywhere as Luca and I made our way through the city of Petersburg. There was a battalion of men behind us. Everything was chaotic as all the people ran around looking for hiding places. Some knew the Rebels had taken control of the city and joined forces to take down Ignatius's men. It was time for Luca and I to split and meet with Lord Petrov on the city's outskirts to take Castle Smirnov.

"Remember, men, women, and children are immune from cruelty and must be treated as our own! I'm leaving Captain Ivanov in charge of you as Luca and I depart to help Lord Petrov as we make our way deeper into enemy territory."

I didn't want anyone else to know that we planned to take Castle Smirnov; an enemy soldier might hear us in the distance and take off to warn someone.

"Remember to put these fires out once the mayor has been disposed of! We're not trying to destroy the city!" I nodded to Luca's comment. I shook hands with Captain Ivanov and Luca and I were off.

The terrain was open for enemy guards and mercenaries; Luca and I had to be quick. The sky was filled with grey clouds. I stopped, and when Luca noticed, he did the same. I pulled out my pocket watch I had stolen back in the kingdom of Nisirdnia. I chuckled as I remembered the adventures I had there. It was four o'clock; we had two hours to spare.

Everything is going according to plan. I looked to see a single tree in the distance and pulled my compass out to make sure we were still heading east. When the compass confirmed we were on the right track, I signaled for us to continue.

We flew across the empty valley, our horses at a steady gallop. It continued to get darker when we finally saw the true Juvelian flag flying high on a pole; a couple of men were standing under it. I signaled to Luca that we should stop and study the men momentarily. It wouldn't hurt to make sure they were our men.

"Friend or foe?" I called out loudly.

"Who do you call master?" the man standing farthest from the pole asked sarcastically.

"None but myself, I'm Lord Kelvin Fitzgilbert." Luca laughed beside me, and we could hear the men laughing from afar.

"M'lord, we are your humble servants! We've been commanded by your father to stand post here to make sure you and Sir Luca can find your way!" I recognized him now; it was Alexei, one of the gatekeepers of my castle.

"Good men! We'll be on our way; may God be with you!"

"With you as well, m'lord!" Luca and I rode hard again and passed a few other flag posts along the way, clearly outlining our border. I smiled as I continued to see the authentic Juvelian flag from the old days. It was like this victory had alighted a new hope in the rebels. It was contagious because even I, the "lone wolf" of the rebellion, was getting excited.

Maybe this place has some potential after all.

Lords Fergus, Nilsen, and Petrov sat under some trees near a small fire in the distance, and Luca and I dismounted. I whistled the secret tune to the men, and they all stood up while Luca and I tied our horses near theirs.

Lord Fergus greeted me first with a hug, and then Lord Petrov and I grasped each other's arms. Lord Nilsen stood in the background with a cocked brow; he probably wanted to go home. I couldn't help but be amused at the irony of the situation.

"What do you have planned, Kelvin?" Lord Petrov asked as Lord Nilsen sat back down on a log.

"The plan depends on how many men will risk themselves for this siege."

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now