CH. 11 Ruffians, Vodka, Wolves, and More Nonsense

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Finder continued sniffing through the intricate streets of Imperia. I mounted my horse, following him through the narrow streets and alleyways of the city as the stars came into view and scattered across the night sky. The narrow streets became more expansive, and we finally went to the city's outskirts, where the terrain changed from city cobblestone to open fields and forests.

Finder stopped sniffing momentarily and began going in circles, then sat down and stared at me with his tongue hanging out. I took Nikki's blanket and held it out for him to sniff, and after a few moments of sniffing around, he led off the dirt road and into the grass. I folded the blanket back on my lap, and we continued on through the terrain.

I thought about how long it had been since she'd been missing. She couldn't have been gone longer than early last night. She's a day ahead of me... She had traveled on foot, though, which made it easier for me to find her since I was on horseback. Finder turned towards a cluster of trees, and I dismounted Hercules. The husky began growling and wildly zigzagged through the trees. He started walking in circles and continued growling. I looked to the grass to see some coins glinting in the faint moonlight. I picked them up one by one and put them in my pocket. I heard Finder whining and looked to see him scratching at one of the trees while looking upward. I went closer and looked up, thinking I'd see Aurora possibly sitting in the tree.

A sickening thought came over me as I saw a large black cloak dangling in the branches, slightly swaying. It was an eerie display that brought back sinister memories of when Ignatius had members of the Shulvanov clan hanged. Has she taken her own life? It was too dark to see, so I began climbing the tree, my heart pounding as I got higher. Relief washed over me when it was just the cloak dangling, not a body. I grabbed the cloak, breaking a few small branches off the main limb. That was a close one; I've got to find her before she really is dead.

I slowly climbed back down the tree, and a shimmer caught my eye. I squatted down to see it was Aurora's locket. She had worn it the day she had been exchanged for Morgana. I remembered the fear in her eyes as one of Ignatius' soldiers held a dagger to her throat; I shivered then. I picked it up and put it into my saddle bag; I then took Nikki's blanket and stuffed it under Hercules' saddle. Something had happened here; she must have encountered some animals or humans... If it had been a human skirmish, who had she had an encounter with? And was she safe?

Finder sat patiently near one of the trees, waiting for my command. "Come here, boy," I had him sniff Aurora's cloak, and he was off again, hot on the trail. I didn't pray often, but I decided to send a quick prayer to the big guy, hoping he was listening tonight.

Please let her be safe.

We trekked all through the night, leaving the forest and continuing through the open expanses, passing some towns and villages along the way. Aurora had left a clear trail. Finder led us back onto the road, and I laughed through my nose. Didn't she know that traveling out in the open was dangerous? I sighed as Finder began to growl, and I furrowed my brows. As the sun rose, we came to a small village, and I decided it would be good to take a break and maybe ask around.

I dismounted and led Hercules into the town. Men and women were opening their shops, and I went to the nearest post and tied my horse down. Finder kept sniffing through the street, and I wondered if we were on the brink of finding the princess.

"Finder," I called, pointing to a spot next to the horse. "Sit. I'll be right back." Finder obeyed, and I walked inside what looked like an inn. A young man was reading a book at the far end of the room, and I slowly walked over to where he was behind a counter. He sat up straight and set his book down.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now