CH. 15 Confessions

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We had sat near the fire for a while, and everyone had fallen asleep except me. Staring at the fire, I fiddled with the amethyst ring on my left hand. Juleljus came out of the cabin and quietly joined me at the fire, and after a few hours of sitting in silence, we both fell asleep. I woke up the following day and saw that Aurora, Juljá, and Juleljus were gone. Only Alexie was sitting against a tree, sharpening his sword.

"They're in the seer's house," Ramon said lowly as he came to sit next to me. "The other one went to the nearest town to fetch more horses."

"What?" I asked, frustrated.

"The Princess wants to start journeying through the mountains to find and capture the witch." I looked back at the doused firewood in front of me. "That's what I gathered anyway from trying to eavesdrop near the door. If you ask me, this whole thing is coo coo." I gave Ramon a look. I had mixed feelings about this whole mission. But it would all be worth it if it would get me the money the Baron wanted for Lance and my bounty. I couldn't help but grin; I had bargained enough money to pay off both debts and still had enough to spare. I wondered how I would pay off the money. The Baron threatened that if he ever saw my face again, he'd take it upon himself to dispose of my body. I subconsciously rubbed the gem in my ring again.

"You still miss her, don't you?" Ramon asked in a low voice. I nodded, knowing that if I started talking, I'd break down into tears, and I didn't want that, especially since the Princess and everyone else could leave the cabin at any minute. The cabin door opened, and I stood up and walked over to them, not wanting to continue the conversation with Ramon.

"The path I am referring to is that way." Willow pointed behind the campsite towards the fork in the pathway that led deeper into the mountains. It was then that I noticed Juleljus was holding Aurora's map. The princess and I made eye contact, and she shrugged at me. I walked over to her and took her aside while the Kai-gons discussed the course they wanted to take.

"What's wrong?" She asked, and I snorted.

"What's wrong? You're not discussing anything with me!" I whispered the next part. "You meet these new Kai-gon people, and bam, you are off on another escapade to God knows where."

"You get your money; I get this mission. Isn't that what you wanted?" I slapped my thigh in exasperation.

"You think I'm in this just for the money?" She nodded. She did have me there, but I needed it to pay off not just my debt but Lance's, too. "It's not just for me. The Baron has one of my friends in his prison, and if the debt isn't paid soon, I'm afraid of what might happen to him." Her eyebrows knit together at what I had just said, and then she looked to the ground. There was a moment of silence.

"Look, let's just save each other the trouble and not pretend to care, okay?" I looked at the grass and realized how cold it had gotten; goosebumps trailed up my arms, and I saw the sky was mostly cloudy now. I thought about the Snow Queen and then shook my head; it had to be a coincidence. I looked back into her eyes.

"Princess, whether you believe me or not, there are other people in my life that I care about besides you." She cocked a brow, and I sighed as I realized I'd let my intrusive thoughts get the best of me again. "I promise, I've got your back till the end of this quest. I know I haven't been so nice about the whole Snow Queen thing, but even you have to admit it's crazy."

"Maybe a little, but if I don't do something about this, even if it's not true... No one would." I heaved another sigh and nodded; I knew she was right. She continued, "I thought Lord Nilsen paid off your debt..." I shook my head.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now