CH. 26 Ben

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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the snowy landscape, I stumbled upon a small cabin nestled among the trees. The sight of the fish hanging up on the roof drew me closer, a flicker of hope igniting within me. Perhaps the inhabitant of this cabin could provide some answers or, at the very least, a respite from the biting cold. Summoning what little courage I had left, I approached the cabin and rapped my knuckles against the door. The old man from earlier appeared, his expression hardened with irritation.

"What do you want?" he grumbled, his tone curt and dismissive. Desperate for any shred of information about Ben, I implored him.

"Did you know Ben? Is there anything he might have told you?" But my words fell on deaf ears as he reiterated,

"I told you he's long gone, dead. Now leave me alone," before slamming the door shut in my face. Defeated but unwilling to give up, I knocked again, my voice barely audible above the howl of the snow as I whined.

"Please, it's cold out here..." I slumped against the door, my hope dwindling with each passing moment. Snow piled up around me as the storm raged on, and I began to give up hope that this man would help me. A few minutes passed, and my head began to bob as I leaned against his door. My eyes became heavy as I felt sleep beckoning to me in the darkness of the cold night.

To my surprise, the door creaked open once more, and the old man stood before me. His pupils widened as they met my gaze, but then he rolled his eyes. With a reluctant sigh, he gestured for me to come inside, his demeanor softened by a glimmer of compassion. He helped me up, and I stepped over the threshold, seeking refuge from the harsh embrace of the winter night.

He led me inside his humble home, wrapped me in a warm wool blanket, and then sat me next to the fire. After a moment, he returned with a warm mug of apple cider, and I couldn't help but smile. Accepting the cup of hot cider gratefully, I wrapped my hands around it, relishing in the warmth that seeped into my chilled bones. The aroma of the spiced drink filled the air.

"Thank you," I murmured softly, watching as he retreated to his room with a sense of resignation. His gruff demeanor belied a hint of kindness, though from what he said next, he seemed intent on keeping his distance.

"You can sleep on that couch over there. If you're hungry, there's leftover fish in the kitchen. Help yourself. I'm going to my room. Don't disturb me. Good night..." With that, he walked into the other room and shut the door. With a weary sigh, I sank onto the couch he had indicated, the soft cushions providing a welcome reprieve from the day's trials. I couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness.

I looked to the flickering fire that somehow offered a bit of hope in front of me as the wind howled fiercely outside.

I'll pester him tomorrow.


In the midst of the night, I found myself ensnared in a dream more horrifying than any I had experienced before. In the flickering shadows of my subconscious, I witnessed a scene that chilled me to the bone.

Before me, in a clearing bathed in an eerie, flickering light, stood Morgana, her eyes ablaze with malice as she loomed over two familiar figures—Kelvin and Luca. They were bound tightly to stakes; their faces contorted in pain and fear as the flames licked hungrily at their feet.

I tried to cry out, to rush to their aid, but I was frozen in place, powerless to intervene as the scene unfolded before me. Morgana's laughter echoed through the night, a chilling symphony of cruelty that sent shivers down my spine.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now