Bonus Scene: Chapter 1

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The grand hall of the Kai-gons was filled with elders, their faces stern and serious, lit by the flickering torches on the walls. I stood before them, feeling nervous under their piercing gazes.

"This is all your fault, Ben! If you hadn't saved her life all those years ago..." Elder Rylan's eyes flashed with anger.

I squared my shoulders, trying to appear confident. "I saved the Queen's life because it was the right thing to do," I said firmly.

"You acted without thinking," another elder said sharply. "And what's worse is that you continued fraternizing with her!"

Their words felt like weights on my shoulders, but I remained resolute. "The Queen needed help," I insisted. "If I didn't act, not only would Juvelia be in danger, but everything that the Kai-gons have built!"

Elder Myra sighed, her expression softening slightly. "We warned you not to associate with her because of her background," she said gently. "Now, with her arrested for treasonous acts, it brings shame to the Kai-gon people."

I knew that the council of elders would be angry, but I didn't think they would be this angry.

Elder Rylan stood up from his throne, his gaze hardening. "Ben, for your actions and for disobeying the council's orders, we have no choice but to strip you of your mentor status."

I felt a pang of disbelief. Being a mentor was a position of honor, and it was a blow to be stripped of it. "But Elder Rylan—"

He held up his hand to silence me. "Your actions have consequences, Ben. Until further notice, you are no longer permitted to mentor any new initiates. You must prove your loyalty and respect for the council before your status can be reconsidered."

With a heavy heart and a sense of shame, I nodded, knowing I could not argue with their decision.


After the confrontation, I made my way to the highest level of the tower, where Queen Sophia was being held in a dungeon. The narrow staircase seemed to stretch on forever as I ascended, each step heavier than the last.

At the top, I entered the dimly lit dungeon, the air heavy with the scent of damp stone. Queen Sophia sat on the cold floor, a faint beam of light illuminating her weary face. She looked up as I approached, her eyes reflecting both fear and gratitude.

"Ben," she whispered, her voice echoing in the empty chamber. "Thank you for coming."

I knelt beside her, feeling the weight of guilt pressing down on me. "I'm sorry, Sophia," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I never meant for any of this to happen."

Sophia reached out and clasped my hand, her grip surprisingly strong despite her fragile appearance. "I know," she said softly. "But now I fear for Aurora. She'll have no one left."

"Please, Ben," she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion. "There is no one I trust more with my child than you. Promise me you'll protect Aurora. "

My heart ached at her words, and I knew I couldn't refuse her. "I promise," I said, my voice choked with emotion. "I will protect Aurora with my life."

Sophia's eyes welled with tears as she squeezed my hand. "Thank you, Ben."


Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant