The Beginning of Act 2

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Hello, my lovelies!

Act 1 has just been finished, and I am so excited to start Act 2. But first, here are some thought-provoking discussion Questions you can think about before delving into Chapter 11.

Chapter 1

1. Considering Kelvin's decision to take Queen Sophia's crown during the mission, how might this choice influence future events in the story, and what consequences or benefits could arise from possessing such a significant symbol of the royal family?

Chapter 2

2. How does Aurora's experience of being singled out during the roll call impact her perception of the regime and the impending war, and how might this event shape her actions moving forward?

Chapter 3

3. In this chapter, we see Kelvin grappling with internal conflicts, especially when it comes to Lord Petrov's involvement. How do you think Kelvin's internal struggles impact the overall narrative and the decisions he makes?

Chapter 4

4. How do you think Aurora's past experiences and the current political situation will shape her decisions as the story unfolds?

Chapter 5

5. Aurora expresses gratitude towards Kelvin for saving her life and her son's life. How might this appreciation influence their relationship moving forward? What potential consequences or benefits could arise from this bond?

Chapter 6

6.  How do you feel about Aurora's internal struggle with the decision to abdicate the throne? What factors contribute to her hesitation?

7. The revelation of Richard's presence adds a layer of complexity to the narrative. How does Aurora's past with Richard influence her emotions and decisions? How do you think this revelation might impact the dynamics within the rebellion and Aurora's personal life?

Chapter 7

8. Analyze Aurora's internal struggle and the difficult choices she faces. How does her sense of responsibility and duty clash with her personal desires and the challenges presented by those around her? Are Aurora and Kelvin similar in how they handle responsibility? or are they different? Would you say the way they make decisions is positive or negative, and why?

Chapter 8

9. How does Aurora's decision to stay and take on the role of queen impact the dynamics within the castle, especially considering Richard's reaction?

Chapter 9

10. How does Aurora handle the tensions and challenges that arise within the castle, especially in her interactions with Kelvin and Camilla? What does this reveal about her character and approach to leadership?

Chapter 10

11. Analyze the dynamics between Kelvin, Rose, and Aurora. How do their interactions shed light on their individual personalities and relationships?

Now, without further ado, here is Chapter 11!

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now