CH. 17 Talking Wolves, Separation, and Even More Nonsense

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The pounding of hooves echoed through the dense forest, matching the frantic rhythm of my heart as I led the wolves away from Aurora, urging Hercules onward and pushing him to his limits. Behind me, the chilling howls of the pursuing pack grew louder with each passing moment, a relentless reminder of the danger at my heels.

Branches whipped past, scratching at my skin as we tore through the underbrush, the forest blurring into a chaotic whirlwind of motion. My muscles ached with exhaustion, but I dared not slow down, driven by the primal instinct to protect Aurora at all costs.

The moon cast eerie shadows through the canopy above, illuminating the path ahead with ghostly light. Every shadow seemed to conceal a lurking threat, every rustle of leaves a potential ambush. Yet, I pressed on, focusing solely on leading the wolves away from the Princess.

In the darkness, the line between reality and nightmare blurred, my senses heightened to the point of frenzy. Every snap of a twig, every distant growl sent a shiver down my spine, fueling the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

But even as fear threatened to overwhelm me, a flicker of determination burned bright within my chest. I would not falter; I would not let the wolves harm Aurora. With every ounce of strength I possessed, I clung to the hope of outrunning the jaws of death nipping at my heels, leading the predators on a wild chase through the heart of the forest.

Suddenly, as if emerging from the very shadows themselves, the wolves surrounded me. Their glowing green eyes gleamed in the darkness; their low growls and glinting teeth sent shivers down my spine. I was trapped, a lone rider encircled by predators, with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. With a defiant roar, I drew my sword, ready to face the beasts head-on. Every fiber of my being screamed for survival, for Aurora's safety, as I braced myself for the inevitable clash.

The wolves closed in, their snarls filling the air with menace. But even as their fangs gleamed in the moonlight, I stood my ground, determined to fight until my last breath. In that fleeting moment, surrounded by darkness and danger, I knew I would do whatever it took to protect the one my heart beat for.

The lead wolf's growls stopped, and he began to search my eyes. As the alpha wolf sniffed around, I held my breath, tensed for the impending attack. But to my astonishment, he abruptly halted, his words cutting through the tense air like a knife.

"He's not the one we're after; he's a jumble of lies and deception. Let's move out. We're sorry to have bothered you, sir," the alpha declared, his voice reverberating with an uncanny intelligence. I stared in disbelief as the wolves began to retreat, my mind struggling to comprehend their ability to speak.

"Y-you can talk?" I stammered, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and awe.

"Of course, we can talk dimwit." One of the wolves replied and I furrowed my brows as the pack erupted in laughter. But as the wolves paused to stare and laugh at me, I felt a surge of defiance rising within me.

"Stop!" I commanded, brandishing my sword in a gesture of defiance. "Who are you chasing and why?" I demanded, my nerves on edge as I confronted these enigmatic creatures. The female alpha regarded me with a steely gaze, her words measured and deliberate.

"We chase Aurora, daughter of Sophia," she replied, her voice tinged with authority. My grip tightened on the hilt of my sword as I processed her words.

"Why?" I pressed, my voice betraying the urgency of my inquiry.

"Our master, Morgana, only wants to reclaim her rightful property," the wolf explained. "Now, if you'll let us be on our way. We don't want to lose the girl's scent." But I refused to back down, my resolve hardening with each passing moment.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now