CH. 9 A Shadow of an Apparition ❗

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The clapping and cheering faded after moments, and I slowly returned to the table. Richard followed close behind, and again, I questioned what we had just discussed during our dance. I saw Kelvin staring at Richard and me from where he was next to Nilsen's daughter; was that jealousy in his gaze? It didn't matter; Luca looked like he wanted to kill Richard with his eyes.

"Private conversation, now." Without another word, he stalked off into one of the halls. I followed him close behind; he really was angry. I noticed Richard come up next to me. As if Luca sensed him, he turned his head, and after a double take, he lunged. I moved away as Luca backed him up against the wall.

"Who do you think you are?" Richard's eyes were wide, and he panted through his nose as Luca kept him pinned to the wall. I had never seen him scared before. It was then that I noticed the knife Luca had at his throat. "How do you like it?" Luca whispered; he was showing Richard who was boss. After a moment of staring at each other, Luca put his knife away. "Stay away from my sister." He pulled Richard by his shirt and threw him to the ground. He was silent as he grabbed my hand and led me to the stairs at the end of the hall.

"What were you thinking!?" I was sitting in a chair in Luca's office as he paced back and forth in front of me.

"If he wants to work things out—"

"His chances are through!" He inhaled and continued more softly. "I thought you cared about this."

"I do care!"

"Really? It seems you've left your wits upstairs. Why did you accept his dance? You could have refused!" I looked at the floor.

"I didn't want them to see through me. For them to see any hostility between us if they find out he's the father..."

"What would that matter?" Luca was staring at me like I was an idiot; I probably was. "He can't hurt you anymore; stop letting him control you! Either way, you could deny his claims to Nicolas the moment he flaps his lips. I'd support you." He kneeled down and looked me straight in the eyes. "He was trying to seduce you with his charms. You're kind and innocent, and he thinks he owns you because he's had you once. I'm not going to let him hurt you anymore."

"I..." I didn't know what to say. Why was I suddenly so ready to defend my abuser?

"You are forbidden to even associate with him further. If you choose to disobey me, I'll be stepping down as Regent and leaving you to handle this on your own." I swallowed as he said those words; he wasn't kidding. "He wants a foot in the door; he isn't going to get even that much. You have to stand your ground. That's what true queens are made of: stability and strength." There was a moment of silence. "Understood?"

"Yes, I understand."

"You'll obey me?"

"I'll do as you ask." I stood up and hugged him then; I was grateful to him for keeping me from making a mistake.

"Get to bed. I have work to do, and I'm sure Nicolas needs you." He kissed my forehead, and I nodded.

"Good night." I walked out of the door and went straight up to my room. I tossed and turned all throughout that night.

Weeks had passed, and Luca had made it known that if any man were to make advances on me romantically, they would need his signet approval. I thought that was overkill, but it kept Richard at bay; he wrote letters to Luca almost every week begging for permission to see me, and every time Luca refused. One day, Luca got sick of the endless letters and banished Richard from court. I couldn't help but laugh from where I was on the balcony the day he was escorted out of the castle.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now