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I had just received orders that morning to join the army. I was a little angry, especially since Aurora knew I needed to go to Marada to free Lance. As I walked towards her office, my heart was pounding in my chest.

The hallway was eerily quiet, and the only sound was the echo of my footsteps. When I reached her door, I could see the soft glow of candlelight coming from inside. 

With a deep breath, I raised my hand and knocked, the sound echoing in the quiet hallway.

Aurora opened the door, surprise flickering in her eyes at the sight of me.

"Kelvin," she greeted, her voice warm with concern. "Is everything all right?" I nodded, though the words caught in my throat.

"I've come to deliver some news," I began, trying to steel myself for what was to come. "Orders have arrived from the commander. He requests my presence at the barracks tomorrow morning." Aurora's brow furrowed in confusion.

"But why? What does he want with you?"

Either she had nothing to do with it, or she's a good actor. But Aurora was never one to lie, especially to me.

Yeah, she had nothing to do with it.

"He intends to appoint me as a colonel in the royal army," I explained, my voice betraying none of the conflict raging within me. Aurora's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of pride and concern crossing her features.

"Kelvin, that's... incredible news," she said, clearly trying to find the right words.

But I couldn't bring myself to share in her enthusiasm.

"I'm not going," I stated firmly, my heart heavy with the weight of my decision. Aurora's expression softened, understanding dawning in her eyes.

"Kelvin, why not? This is a great opportunity for you!" I shook my head, my resolve hardening with each passing moment.

"I appreciate the offer, Your Majesty, but I'm not cut out for a life of military service. My place is not on the battlefield." Aurora studied me for a long moment, her gaze searching.

"If this is about your father—"

"This has nothing to do with my father," I replied defensively, cutting her off before she could continue.

"Kelvin, bitterness isn't going to—" Aurora began, but I interrupted her.

"I'm not bitter!" I exclaimed, my voice more forceful than I intended. Aurora's eyes widened at my outburst, but she remained calm.

"I didn't mean to imply—"

"I know," I said, softer this time, feeling a pang of guilt for my outburst. "I just... I can't do it, Your Majesty. I won't."

"Kelvin, you are an incredible leader. You have proved yourself time and again!"

"I do things my own way, Your Majesty," I replied, meeting her gaze with determination. "And right now, I have to go free Lance from the Baron. I can't let Ramon do it alone; it's a two-man job." Aurora's eyes widened in surprise, but she nodded, her expression thoughtful.

"I understand," she said, her voice tinged with respect. "When will you return?"

"I'm not sure," I said after a moment of thinking. She looked to the floor and fiddled with her hands.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ