A Letter to the Reader

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Dear Reader, 

                        I am Gwen Galaxia, the story you're about to read has been in the works since I was a thirteen-year-old girl. The story, plot, and characters have changed over time of course; but the dream remains the same. I hope to write a story that will captivate my readers. I try to keep a consistent writing schedule and have worked very hard in the past year to get this story out on Wattpad. My intention for this story is to teach some timeless lessons and warm people's hearts. If you find that you are enjoying the adventure of Kelvin and Aurora it would really help me as a writer on Wattpad if you followed me, added this story to your bookshelf, and voted for each chapter that comes out. These things help let me know that you're enjoying the book. Leaving comments with your thoughts and criticism is always welcome as well; I hope to see more comments in the future. For now, I hope you enjoy this story with Kelvin and Aurora. Keep it classy lovelies!

Gabriella Gwen Galaxia

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now