CH. 30 Day Two and Day Three

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"Well, at least we're not bored, right?" It was the second day out on the scaffold tied to the wooden pole, and the sun was just beginning to descend from the sky. The pangs of hunger were long gone, but my mouth was as dry as a bone. I rolled my neck in a feeble attempt to rid myself of the headache.

"Speak for yourself. I've already counted all the splinters on this pole twice." There was a moment of silence before he continued. "I don't think she loves us anymore," he said with his head hung low. I couldn't help but laugh under my breath.

"Aurora will come to rescue us; I know it." Hope was the only thing I was clinging to right now.

I saw a flash of red out of the corner of my eye and turned my head to see Dimitri pushing an older man forward. There was blood stained on the corner of the old man's mouth; he looked like he'd been through it last night. Dimitri brought the poor guy up the stairs. He then proceeded to tie him next to me on the pole, and I winced as the ropes were tightened. I stayed my gaze in front of me until he was done and hurried back into the castle.

"So are you here for the scenic views or the questionable company?" I started trying to create small talk.

"Or maybe he's the long-lost knight who's going to rescue us with his secret sword-fighting skills," Luca chimed in.

"Just when I thought that my days of hanging about fools were behind me." The old man groaned.

"Since we're going to be very chummy for the next twenty-four hours, I'd like to know your names."

"I'm Luca. This is Casanova." I looked at Luca with narrowed eyes; he was still evidently ticked off about my love confession for his sister.

"No... I'm actually Kelvin he's just in a mood."

"Kelvin?" The man looked at me with furrowed brows. "So you're Aurora's soulmate."

"That's a rich one!" Luca burst out laughing. "What's next? You're the wandering sage; come to impart your ancient wisdom upon us poor souls trapped in this lofty prison?"

"Everyone has one," the man said, looking away. "I sensed it from being around her and reading some of her thoughts about you." My eyes widened, and I looked back at the man.

"You saw her? She's alive?"

"Oh, Juliet! Oh, Juliet! Wherefore art thou, oh Juliet!" I clenched my jaw and cocked a brow as Luca continued teasing me.

"Enough with the theatrics, Luca. We've got more pressing matters at hand than my nonexistent love life."

"Right, and pigs fly."

"She and I are good friends, but nothing more than that. Not technically." I said, trying to make him drop the subject.

"What's your name, old man?" Luca asked.


My heart immediately stopped.

"You're Ben?" Luca and I asked simultaneously. Ben's eyes widened, and he nodded slowly.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now