Bonus Scene: Chapter 2

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I sat in my cold, dimly lit cell, the weight of my actions heavy on my mind. My thoughts were consumed with worry for Aurora, and I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that hung over me.

Suddenly, the heavy iron door creaked open, and in strode the King himself, his presence commanding the room. I rose to my feet, my heart pounding with fear and defiance.

"The Kai-gon general Ben," the King's voice echoed off the stone walls, his gaze piercing. "Why did you kidnap my daughter?"

I met his gaze evenly, refusing to cower before him. "Your behavior is questionable, Your Majesty," I replied, my voice steady despite the tension in the air. "I only sought to protect Princess Aurora from a fate similar to her mother's."

The King's brow furrowed, his expression hardening. "I would never hurt my daughter," he insisted, his voice laced with anger.

I held his gaze, unflinching. "Forgive me, Your Majesty, but recent events have cast doubt on your intentions," I replied, my words measured. "Queen Sophia's unjust execution was enough evidence."

"You forget your place!"

I lowered my gaze, but my resolve remained unshaken. "I speak only the truth, Your Majesty," I said quietly, refusing to back down.

"You are being released," Nicolas said after a moment of silence. "You are too important to the Kai-gons for me to turn you into a martyr. But there will be consequences if you step near my daughter again."

"Yes, Your Majesty," I replied, understanding the gravity of his words.

With a final glance, the King turned and left the cell, the heavy door closing with a resounding thud behind him. Alone once more, I sank back onto the cold stone floor, my mind swirling with a mix of emotions.


Months had passed since my release from the castle dungeon, and life among the Kai-gons had settled into normalcy. But the memory of Aurora lingered, a constant reminder of the unfinished business between us.

Today, I found myself deep in the heart of the forest, surrounded by my fellow Kai-gons. Our mission was clear: to find the enchanted well rumored to be hidden within its depths. Legends spoke of its unfathomable powers, capable of granting wishes or unleashing untold destruction.

The forest was dense and alive with the sounds of nature, the rustle of leaves, and birds chirping filling the air. The scent of pine and earth enveloped us as we ventured deeper into the wilderness.

Elder Rylan led our group, his determination unwavering as he forged ahead. His keen eyes scanned the surroundings for any sign of our elusive quarry.

"Keep your senses sharp," he called out to us, his voice echoing through the trees. "The well could be anywhere."

We nodded in acknowledgment, spreading out to cover more ground, each of us attuned to the magic that thrummed beneath the forest's surface.

As we pressed on, the forest grew thicker, the underbrush becoming denser with each step. We encountered obstacles along the way—rivers to fjord, cliffs to climb—but we persevered, driven by the promise of discovering the well.

Hours passed, the sun arcing across the sky as we continued our search. Fatigue weighed heavily on us, but we pressed on, fueled by determination and the knowledge that we were on the brink of a momentous discovery.

Secret of the Snow Queen (Fire and Ice Book #1) *GOING THROUGH EDITS*Where stories live. Discover now